☁️Taste buds💋 (Halloween special)

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Vampire!! Kyo Kaneko x Human!! Reader

He grips my shoulders, awkwardly.
"I promise this won't hurt as much as you think it will." He said, looming over me. His head dropped and he let out an annoyed groan.

His face was pale as he glared back into my eyes. His cold hands trembled on my shoulders, as if he didn't want to continue.
"Stupid human, I swear to god if you don't stay still!" Kyo complained, scowling at me until I retorted. "you're the one that's shaking Jackass."

Kyo huffed out a sigh. "Well maybe if you weren't staring into my soul like you-" I rolled my eyes cutting him off. "You know what?" Kyo starts, shaking his head.

"I can't do this to you. I'd rather starve." Kyo let's go of me. His touch lingered behind.
I glared up at him, sinking my teeth into my lip. "Riiight, Kyo. You know that in a couple hours you'll be ripping someone apart for blood." I nagged at him. To that he snarls as I finish. "You're a little monster, Kyo."

"Bi- little?!" He cut himself off, gripping my shirt angrily. "I'm the one sipping you like a little first grader's Caprisun. I'm the one who's looking down on you!"

"-And you still look like a little puppy, As cute as the first day I met you. You haven't matured a bit." I said, smirking sadistically.
"All these new powers and yet.."

"Shut up. If anything you're the little one. I'm the one in charge now. I'm the bigger one-"
I cut off Kyo's words again.

"Then act like it."

My words almost snapping him in such a seductive way despite being the word of a victim.

"I don't want to hurt you. I've never done this.."
Kyo let go of me and instead forced his weight on the wall behind me. He smelled of the masculine scent I sprayed him with earlier.

It was so attractive. Such a warm smell that he wafted.. not to mention his breath smelled of candy. All due to his childish taste buds. He smelled good enough to eat despite being the one feasting on me.

I was desperate to get him to bite me. I wanted to know what it was like to feel his teeth sink into my skin.

"Besides, you smell scared." He spoke up after a few moments. "I can smell your blood getting warmer.. not to mention I can feel it. You're so.."

Watching him struggle to find the words for just a second, I couldn't take it anymore.

"-Excited, and you are too." I said while placing my hand on his chest right above his heart that ceased to beat. It was dead.

"What?! Okay, you freaky motherfu-"
Again, cut off by me in some way, Kyo shudders. The heat of my finger danced on his cold lips.

"Shh. Just take a bite, Kyo."

Unable to speak, he hesitantly surrendered to the temptation.

"Shut the fuck up." He sarcastically muttered. Just then my feet lifted off the ground. Gravity seemed to slowly dissipate until I was at his level. Now eye to eye with the monster that'd soon devour me, I began to feel exhilaration creep into my veins and apprehend my heart.

Leaving no time to waist, Kyo attached his lips to mine. We shared a long and passionate kiss. Kyo anxiously played with my hair, unsure how to heat up the kiss he started.

It was up to me to pull him in closer and open my lips for him. His tongue slipped between them and danced with mine for a bit. After a moment of the blissful kiss, he pulls away. The fragile cord of saliva that connected us gets snapped as he reattached his lips to my neck mumbling his little apologies.

As soon as he sunk his teeth into me, I let out a loud whine. Of course it hurt. I didn't expect anything else. Just as I let out my bitchy cries, Kyo retracts his teeth from my skin. "That was cute." He whispered, sarcasm lacing his voice. He soon began to sip blood out from my neck with inhumane forces.

All of the blood being rushed up to that one spot caused me to go numb in the fingers.
My legs slammed into each other as my mind went blank and it was such a euphoric feeling. Better than any drug..not that I'd know. It was so much better than getting high. It was as if he was sipping away my sobriety.

Kyo slightly nibbled on the spot he was working on while very slightly tugging at my hair. My mouth fell agape releasing a startled gasp from me, followed by a quiet moan.

Kyo then released me from is gravitational lift and wiped his mouth. "You good?"
He questioned.

"More.. Kyo.." is all I managed to mutter out before Kyo cuts me off.

"Oh hell no! You're enjoying this way too much. I'm feeding off you. You're my Uber eats! Okay?! Chill."

"Kyo.. I'm in love with you." I say. Struggling to walk. Kyo lifts me again and puts me on his back. "No. I love you, you delirious fuck. Let's get out of here and get you home."

"Kyo.. you could seduce any random woman to give you blood if you didn't wanna drink from me." He stops his actions briefly before walking home.

"You satisfy my taste buds"
As he walks he continues.
"You're sweet. A bit tangy.. like a tangerine. I don't want to feed off of people.. but if I had to I want it to be someone I'm willing to be with forever."

My heart pounded at his answer. For a second I really thought I was going delirious from the blood loss. I couldn't find any words to speak. Kyo finished the conversation.
"When you touched my heart it didn't beat, but I swear that I can feel it beating for you. I swear that when I get close to you my body gets warm, even if my skin is always cold. I love you."

"How fucking adorable. I love you too, you big baby."

I felt so comfortable and at ease with him, even if he was a little monster.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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