🌧️They're your favorite!🌧️

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Hanahaki victim!! Kyo Kaneko x reader

Kyo was your best friend. He had been since you two were young. You two were very protective of each other and did almost everything together.
Hell- His place was like your second home.
He had amazing parents and they loved you. While yours were barely around for you.
Kyo's mother worried a little less when you were with him. His father saw you as a part of the family. Kyo himself has told you he loved you. And you loved him too. That's why the two of you are such good friends, isn't it?

Pov switch

Sick day, again? I'm almost jealous of him for skipping school so much.
He's been getting worse lately. I'm worried it might be really bad.
My eyebrows furrowed as I read the message Kyo sent me.
High fever.. coughing.. throwing up. He seemed to have the flu but it had to be worse than that. I had an awful feeling in my stomach.
It quickly numbed when I see another message from him.

'I'll come to school as soon as I felt better :) see ya'

My eyes lit up as I read. He wasn't feeling that bad after all! In fact he was well enough to come to school today! I was glad.
He was extremely fun to be around, this entire school day would be boring without him.
I replied quickly and then put away my phone. Adjusting my clothing and all to seem undistracted before continuing on.

First and second class go by slower than ever, and third class was almost as boring. I was so thankful to eat lunch despite having to choose from the cafeteria. I felt so hungry after such long and boring lectures.
Just as I exit the classroom door I'm met with a bouquet of white lilies. Kyo stares at me, making little to no effort to meet my eyes.
"Here." The only word that escaped his mouth before I held my hands open for the flowers.
"They're your favorite!" He quickly recovers as I take the flowers.
You know what's odd..
Not the fact that he bought me a gift.
Surprisingly not the fact that he got flowers of all things..

"how did you know that these were my favorite ones?" I interrogated.
Kyo's eyes widen right before he clears his throat to reply.
"I'm pretty sure you...uh. You told me."
"Oh. Okay!"

I hadn't told him anything. I know I didn't. He's hiding something.
Kyo calms down before taking me to our spot on the roof.
"We forgot our lunches,Kyo." I reminded, sadly.
Kyo pauses before nodding and opening his bag after taking it off his back.
"My mom made us lunch." His voice cracked as he hands me one. It was a little green box filled with fried egg and rice along with other things while he had a soup canister and crackers. My eyes sparkled at the food that I would soon devour like a hungry animal.

"Yo. Yo, chill don't eat the box! My Mom wants that back." His laugh was warm but broken.
He really didn't sound well at all. No wonder he had soup..

"Kyo, are you sure you're okay?" I say, placing my hand over his forehead.
"Are you still sick? You probably should be at home resting. You might get others sick."

Kyo frowns at me. "It's not spreadable. I'll be fine!" His heart speeding up as he watches my eyes closely.
I uncomfortably avert my eyes before snapping them back at him.
Kyo coughs violently, picking himself up to leave but fails. He falls to his knees, still coughing.
"Kyo?!" I call to him, crawling over to him and placing my hand on his back.
His coughing and drooling soon get accompanied by his short breaths and blood grows from his mouth before he throws up.

White Lilies.

I look back at Kyo who's making an attempt to recover, tearing up. "What's the matter, bestie?" He weakly asks, earning full on tears and sobs from me.
So that was how he knew...
He would cough up my favorite flowers..and that's how he knew..

"I'm sorry..Kyo, I'm so sorry!" I wrapped my arms around him gently. My face heats up as tears continue to fall from my face and influencing him to cry too.
"So..you really... don't..reciprocate my feelings..do you?"

My stomach sinks at his words..
I could be the reason Kyo dies.
I didn't want to lose him. He was the only friend I had. I didn't want to see him this way..and if only I knew then that he had loved me. How wasn't it obvious?
"Kyo.." I mumble quietly before kissing Kyo's blooded lips. The smell was almost enough to make me want to vomit let alone the taste. I shut my teary eyes and allowing the kiss to linger for a few seconds, feeling Kyo pull me in.

After we break the kiss neither of us said a thing. The air was so thick that it was hard to breathe in. We awkwardly attend our other classes and wait for his mother to pick us up.
I couldn't help but think about it since it happened no matter how badly I didn't want to. Eventually school was over.

I went to my house. Usually I'd be going to his place but I couldn't talk to him after what happened. I wouldn't have known what to say. The idea of facing him frightened me.
Just then a knock at my door startles me.

"Hello?" I answer it having an idea as to who it was.
"Hey, can we talk?"
I was right. It was Kyo.
He sounded clearer. His voice sounded stronger than it did a moment before.
I open the door to let him speak.
He holds a lily in his hand. A single one.
"Hey, I'm sorry..I really didn't mean to scare you, okay?" He started. His voice laced with desperate sincerity.
"But yeah.. I'm in love with you. I don't want to just be your friend. I want you to see me as so much more than that. I should have told you this sooner. And I should've asked this question sooner too but will you marry me- I mean let me be your boyfriend?"

I probably shouldn't have laughed. His slip up caught me off guard but the recovery made it so funny. I take the lily from him before kissing his cheek, smiling warmly at him.
I should have fallen for him so much sooner.
"Yes. I will,Kyo. Thank you so much.."
I answered. My answer cured him. Of course he's not fully cured but he's doing so much better.

I saved Him..
And I'm so glad he's okay.

Kyo Kaneko X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now