A Promise

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"It's amazing!" You and Cloud both chorused. The garden that Aerith's house was situated in comprised of three different islands between a river beneath a waterfall connected by wooden bridges. Her house was on the West Island, while flowers covered the other two.

"Are we actually still in Midgar, I've never seen so many flowers!" You said, awestruck by the beauty around you. Aerith giggled, beckoning you on to her house.

"Come on." She said, opening the door with a smile. "I'm home." She called out, following you in.

"Hey baby." A women's voice replied. "Been up to no good, Rude came by...?" She had been washing dishes but as she turned and saw you all she started a little.

"So, this is my mom, Elmyra." Aerith stepped toward her mom introducing her but the unease on her mothers face didn't escape your notice. "And this is Cloud and Y/n, my bodyguards."

"Uh, hi." Cloud said politely, you knew he wasn't much of a people person but it was nice he was trying.

"Nice to meet you." You smiled.

"Take good care of her?" Elmyra asked.

"Of course, Aerith's our friend." You reassured.

"Yep, thanks you two." Aerith really did have the sweetest smile. "So, you gonna head back to sector seven?"

"Yeah." Answered Cloud

"Then I'll show you the way."

"I already said, Y/n knows the way."

"I think you're gonna want me to come with, let's have dinner and we'll chat, okay, hey mom, is it okay?"

"Okay..." Elmyra sighed. "But why not wait until tomorrow, it'll be dark soon better to rest up here and make the trip first thing in the morning, when you'll have daylight to spare."

"That's true, she's got a point, guys."

"Hold up." But Cloud was wasting his breath again.

"Before we sit down, I want you to make up the guest room." Elmyra turned to Aerith.

"Gotcha, take a load off, okay." Aerith smiled at you both before heading upstairs. Elmyra waited for Aerith to be out of sight before she spoke again.

"Judging by those eyes, I'm guessing you're a soldier?"

"Ex-soldier." Cloud replied tiresomely.

"I hate to ask...but would you leave tonight, without any fuss, no questions, you said your partner there knows the way, I don't want Aerith getting mixed up again, no..." She stopped herself before she could continue. Cloud was about to say something when Aerith showed back up.

"I'm back." She said cheerily.

"Good, now I hope you're hungry." Her mom replied.

"Starving, right?" She looked to the pair of you but immediately noticed the change in the atmosphere, how could she not.

"So, Y/n, you seem to think we know each other somehow, right?" Aerith set the ball rolling as you tucked into dinner.

"Aerith!" Elmira suddenly cut in as though urging her not to go on. Aerith simply put a hand out to her, a supportive smile gracing her gentle features.

"I know it sounds strange but yeah." You replied.

"Good, I'm glad to hear that, because actually we do, I know both of you, before I gave you that flower I mean." She shot a look at Cloud.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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