Ready To Fly

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"Man can't believe HQ was running an op tonight of all nights." Biggs said.

"Coincidence?" Cloud asked.

"That or a bad omen, if they're ramping up for something, could get messy." He replied. "Add it to the pile of complications to think about."

"Right, this is it, through here and we're home free." Jessie said, stopping outside a door.

"Where exactly are we going?" Wedge asked.

"When we get there, you'll know!" Jessie replied knowingly. "Now that I've got my blasting agent, we should have everything we need for our next mission."

"Sure hope so!" Biggs pondered as you all proceeded through the door.

"Yeah...m-me too, for your dad's sake." Cloud said.

"Hey, what the hell, man?" Biggs urged in a hushed voice.

"Huh?" Jessie responded, not quiet sure what she'd heard.

"Uh, Cloud was just saying how he hopes to come back and try the Midgar Special next time!" You covered for him, Cloud shot an apologetic look at you.

"Really, huh, Cloud said that?" Jessie said, you weren't sure she was buying it.

"Sure did, wants a whole pie to himself, isn't that right?" Biggs added.

"That's...that's right." Cloud played along.

"Really...? Well ok then, maybe I'll lend my mom a hand next time too!" Eventually she seemed to buy it.

"That'd be awesome!" Wedge said excitedly.

"Super-duper awesome!" Biggs said, trying to keep up appearance.

"Should be somewhere around here..." Jessie said at last, coming to a stop. She reached down to a large chest and opened it. "Bingo!" You all peered in and started to finally realise what she had planned. "I half figured my dad got it wrong, but nope, they're here just like he said!"

"Parachutes?" Biggs said as if asking if she were serious.

"Huh, whaddya mean 'half figured'!?" Wedge said, not sounding pleased.

"Fifty-fifty is pretty good odds, if you ask me!" Jessie said firmly. "This is gonna be fun!" She said excitedly.

"There's only three chutes." You stated. "How we doing this?"

"Wedge, you got this solo right?" Biggs gave him a thumbs up and tossed him a parachute. None of you argued and Wedge nodded with a smile.

"I'll go with Cloud!" Jessie jumped in, much too eagerly.

"I'm taking Y/n." Cloud shook his head.

"Me?" You said in surprise.

"What?" Jessie's face scowled as she whined.

"I'm working a double job right now." He said simply looking at you and Biggs.

"Whatever...fine, let's get going!" Jessie surrendered as you all got yourself hooked up and ready to go.

Standing out on a precarious ledge, you found yourselves looking down at the slums. You swallowed hard, your tummy doing tiny backflips as you briefly grabbed the sides of Cloud's baggy pants. You quickly released your grip however after realising what you shouldn't be doing.


"You afraid of heights?" You heard him say in your ear. It sent a warm shiver down your spine that distracted you from what was about to go down.

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