Natural Swordswoman

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   The next morning seemed quiet, you knew Biggs had left earlier to take care of his part in the mission. He hadn't wanted to risk you getting involved, that was until Cloud had convinced him he'd keep you safe. You smiled at this thought as you got ready to head to the bar, besides most of Avalanche not many took you seriously. Cloud must have faith in what you can do, that must simply be all there is to it right, there couldn't be another reason? When you got out into the streets it didn't take you long to realise something was wrong, you could hear shouting and gun shots coming from the direction of the bar. Your brows creased as you grabbed your gun out, you knew it wasn't like you could do much with it but still. Approaching the bar you were stunned by what you saw, Barrett and Jessie were busy shooting at these mysterious, hooded spectre's. There were hundreds of them all swirling around the bar and then you noticed Cloud and Tifa there too, you rushed forward desperate to do something to help.

   "How's you ammo?" You heard Barrett call to Jessie.

   "Running low!" She answered. "Shit!" She cried suddenly as she was knocked off the steps of the bar by one of the spectre's.

   "Jessie!" Tifa cried.

   "Dammit!" Barrett groaned. Jessie was laying on the ground and you were immediately worried this could be serious.

   "Let me help!" You yelled desperately, trying to force your way through the spectre's. You saw Cloud turn to notice you now, a spectre stood tall between you both blocking you from each other.

   "Y/n!" Cloud reached out an arm but to no avail. You closed your eyes, trying to focus so you could reverse time and help Jessie. Nothing happened. You tried harder. What was going on you wondered, confused why nothing was happening. "Hey, you ok?" Cloud's voice reached you.

   "I-it's not working, I can't reverse things!" It was then you realised the spectre was facing you now, staring you down like it was blocking you out not just physically but mentally too. You're jaw hung a little as the intense stare brought you down to your knees and then suddenly it took off, along with all the others as though nothing had happened.

   "Huh?" You heard Tifa question.

   "The hell...?" Cloud groaned. "Y/n?" He reached for you again and this time he succeeded and pulled you to your feet. You gave each other a quick nod and ran to check on Jessie.

   "Jessie!" Barret fret, dropping to his knee beside her.

   "You okay?" Tifa raced toward her.

   "Me and my two left feet..." Jessie joked as she looked round at your worried expressions. She tried to stand but couldn't get herself back up.

   "Easy now!" Tifa insisted, catching her by the shoulders.

   "We ain't putting on a damn show!" Barrett waved aggressively at the bystanders and they quickly dispersed. "The hell were those things, some kind of...I dunno!?" He looked to Cloud hoping for answers. "Guess I shouldn't be surprised though, never can tell what weird shit'll come crawling out of the scrap down here, it's those reactors, I'm telling you..." You watched as Cloud got down to check on Jessie, your heart thumped in your chest. You should have been able to stop her getting hurt, so what the hell happened.

   "It hurt?" Cloud asked her.

   "Wish I could say it didn't, but yeah..." She replied. He must have sympathised with her, even after last night as he scooped her up into his arms. "God, this is so embarrassing..." Jessie moaned as he carried her into the bar. "Hate playing the damsel in distress..."

   "It happens." Cloud reassured her. He plopped her down onto one of the barstools just as Wedge was coming up from their secret hideout, as soon as he saw Jessie he scurried towards her.

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