Stop That Train!

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The train windows were suddenly sent smashing through as in flew slug rays, it made you jump but you quickly recovered and prepared yourself to fight.

"What the hell!?" A passenger cried.

"Take care of them, Cloud!" Tifa instructed, then ran in Barrett's direction leaving the two of you to the slug rays.

"Okay, thanks for your help!" You said sarcastically, surprised she'd left you both like that.

"Don't worry, I'm on it!" Cloud replied confidently, bringing his sword in front of him.

"Lockdown protocol initiated, this train car will enter lockdown in three minutes." The train announcement said just as Cloud began taking out the slug rays. They were dealt with swiftly of course and then he grabbed your hand, dragging you into the next car. His palm was warm even through his glove and that warmth spread to you, bringing a blush to your cheeks. Immediately as you entered the next car two more slug rays flew in, your hands dropped from each others as you each sent a slug ray flying back out the windows.

"Please, you have to get out of here!" You heard Tifa saying down the other end of the car.

"Wh-what are you doing?" A Shinra employee answered her.

"Trying to keep you alive!"

"But I work for Shinra, I'm the enemy."

"I don't care, I don't want anyone to die, please!" She begged.

"I-I'll look after the others." He resolved, heading into the next car.

"My turn!" Tifa said determinedly, slamming the car door shut and turning to a newly appearing slug ray. She smashed her fist into it, sending it out a window but just as she did another two flew in. The four of you reunited now, stood together ready for whatever else was about to come.

"There's no end to them." Cloud said, even though he still looked ready to take them all.

"Three unauthorised passengers successfully contained, neutralising threat." The announcement rang. More slug rays joined the party further down the car and you were beginning to feel like this was a lost cause.

"Looks like you right soldier boy." Barrett said.

"If this gets any worse, I'll take us all back, there must be something different we can do to avoid this!" You said, putting the option to retreat out there.

"Screw this." Cloud said.

"Huh!?" You exclaimed, was he giving up? I mean you knew you'd suggested it but you half expected Cloud to stubbornly fight till the bitter end.

"The station will be crawling with security, I don't think we need a do over this time, I think we gotta jump!"

"Screw that!" Was Barrett's response, gazing out the window at how fast you were travelling.

"Need to slow the train down." Cloud said calmly.

"Sounds like a Biggs plan E." Barrett winked at you, then shot at the door you were to jump from before kicking it out of the way. You heard him mumble to himself, probably gearing himself up and Tifa slammed the emergency break. "Okay ya'll watch and learn , I'm gonna jump, gonna do it, gonna show you how it's done!"

"Barrett wait!" You suddenly cried but it was too late and he jumped.

"What is it Y/n?"Cloud's voice was concerned as he looked at Tifa now hesitating worriedly at the door. "It'll be difficult to jump with both of you." He tensed, concluding that you must be frightened.

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