Suddenly,when those shots were about to approach the flying fortress,all of them exploded,leaving nothing behind but silence.

"All missiles were shot out of the sky!Attack failed,cruise missiles did not reach their target"

"How can it do that so quickly!"

The control room fell into chaos,as they have seen nothing like that before,something that even the United States couldn't accomplish.Half of the missiles fly at hypersonic,all shot down at the same time,they don't even have chance to know what caused the missile to activate,since those explosions' light covered what destroyed them.Then,from the giant's belly,many smaller figures can be seen falling from the aircraft

"It is dropping something.Their shape is not bombs,neither missile,it looks like a folded X-47....oh they opened the wings and headed toward us!That thing is a flying aircraft carrier!"

"What the heck is that?"

A few seconds later,the entire ship was consumed by the flame,multiple missiles were fired from those "X-47" severely damaged the hull,water started to swarm into the boiler room,to the point that they can't repair,even if they can manage to get back to the port

But the massacre saw no end for it,because the remaining VLS in the middle that still had a missile caught fire and exploded,ripping the ship into two and killing half of the remaining crew.

"Abandon ship!I repeat,abandon-"

The radio was cut,the control room melted and collapsed,trapped all the crew inside to meet their end,the captain was suffocated and died soon after,the ship exploded one more time,before disappearing into the blue,the battle was just 10 minutes,short,but violence.

"The Lhasa....gone"

Few sailors,including two of our navigators got off from the ship early,some still being caught inside the last explosion and died,but the remaining escaped,out of hundred men on the boat,only 7 survived,they saw what remains of the ship,the burning fragments created a torch on the sea,the aircraft recollected all the drones and flew away from the battlefield.

Kremlin, few days after the incident

"We thought that they were joking,until we disconnected from the Lhasa,when we arrived,only 7 survived,they told us they were being attacked by the aircraft that exactly like what the captain has previously described,they said that the ship was vaporized within 10 minutes,we don't believe,thinking that they were in trauma,then we went further,and saw what believed to be the remaining fragments of our ship,we dived down to see the condition,and we were shocked to see how broken it is,Lhasa....was indeed destroyed in 10 minutes"

Arguments broke out inside the room. The Type 55 destroyer was their strongest card in the Pacific,that was destroyed in such a short amount of time.More importantly,the might of the mysterious aircraft has worried them,the new country is far stronger than they first thought.

"I have a witness who saw what happened on that day,come in, Zhangli"

The man with the name Zhangli,he was covered in bandages,his hand was burned and he's sitting in a wheelchair. Whatever happened to that man is certainly horrifying.

"Can you describe the aircraft?"-the Chinese reporter ask

"Yes"-Zhangli murmur-"The aircraft is 1 kilometer long at least,moving at 660 miles per hour on the radar,no sign of human can be found on that thing,it can fire powered projectiles I believe,and drop multiple aircraft from the belly,I count that there are at least 50-60,maybe more.But"-he stops for a bit-"The most fearful thing is that it stops all of the missiles from our ship at once,including those that are hypersonic,about 20"


A man in officer clothes stood up,rumor flooded the room again,the hypersonic missile indeed in certain condition can be shot down,but not all at once.Those missiles are the triumph card against the United States's military superiority.If that country becomes United States ally,not only that their influence,but also their power can be severely reduced around the globe.

"No way any country could shoot down hypersonic missiles at such speed!Who are you anyway?"

"We must take this seriously. This country has to be considered a superpower"

"Much worse,the United States had established friendly relationship with the new country,according to the report from our spies,this country's name is the Osean Federation"

The room soon becomes noisy, arguments fly throughout the table,in both Chinese and Russian.Soon everything becomes chaos


The previous-noisy room went silent.The voice came from a corner of the table,the president of Russian Federation-is thinking of a plan.The Special Military Operation,or the invasion of Ukraine had gone bad recently,they cannot ignore the might of Osean Federation,especially after they had a friendly treaty with the US,Osea may turn those aircraft toward China and Russia,and they stand no chance,if their strongest conventional weapon doesn't even leave a scratch.

"So"-he finally spoke-"China,can you demand them to pay for the destruction of your ship?They could feel sorry for your loss and apologize,then China can play as a victim and sign with them a treaty to secure a peaceful relationship,then we will try to pull them into our side."

"How do you come with this idea?Isn't that US and Osea have a close relation now?They are almost the same"-a Chinese ambassador ask

"That's why this should work,just like the US,Osea wants everyone to see them as the good guy,especially that after the transfer,they must pay for the damage,otherwise they could be seen as the bad guy.We Russian will not send any diplomat too,so China and Osea would have more time and space to talk about relationship"

The Chinese and other Russian nods in agreement

"It's settled then"-the Russian president continues-"China first,then Russia would try to contact Let's see what would happen next"

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