Chapter Fifty Two

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When I opened my eyes the first thing that hit me was the pain in my neck. I reached up groaning rubbing the aching spot.

"You'll get used to it in a couple of years depending on how many times it happens." Finn's voice spoke quietly into the cool dark room.

I looked up and found him sitting in the arm chair across the room reading a book.

"First of all you look like a creep and secondly, what happened? Used to what?"
"Your psychotic Mate snapped your neck. Maybe that will teach you to listen and get back next time I tell you too." He replied.

His tome came off light and full of sarcasm, but I could see him trying not to to smile over his book. I however was shocked.

"Bash.. snapped my neck?"
"Yup." Finn replied while popping the P.
"He snapped my neck?"
"Mmhm." He hummed still reading his book as if it was something that was normal for my Mate to do to me.

He jump a little before glaring at me.

"Keep your voice down. People are resting or sleeping, but yes. He tried to kill you." He scolded me before going back to his book.

Why is he acting like this is no big deal?! My fucking Mate literally snapped my neck and tried to kill me! What kind of Mate does that?!

"Why would he do that?"
"Because he's deranged." Finn mumbled.

I began to tear up while covering my face. I think I've cried more since the battle than I ever have in my whole life.

I couldn't help, but to cry through. I was so happy to hear they found him and he was safe. All I wanted to do was to safely get back to him and when I do... He is lost to his darkness and tries to kill me?

I have never heard of a dark side okay with the fact of killing their Mate. It makes me wonder how much I really mean to him because even though I see dark sides and people as two different being, it doesn't change the fact that they share the same mind, body, and soul.

"Stop that." Finn sighed coming and sitting at the end of my bed.
"Stop what?"
"Crying and thinking like that." He stated looking to me.
"Get out of my head."
"Block your mind from others then." He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes while getting out of bed.

"Where are you going?" He asked standing to his feet.
"To go kick my erratic Mate's ass."
"You need to rest." He schooled trying to stop me as I opened the bedroom door.
"I'll rest when I'm dead."

Hopefully it won't be by Bash's hands. I went as fast as I could until I was standing in front of his cell. I hissed at him while giving him a death glare. He just looked up to me and smirked.

"You, asshole! You really tried to fucking kill me?!"
"Too bad it didn't last long. Next time it will be your heart." He replied darkly while extending his claws.

I crouched down low remembering to stay out of arms reach of the bars and looked him in the eye.

"You kill me and I promise you I'll take your soul with me. You think your crazy now, wait until the day comes that I'm actually dead."

I stood up itching to get away from him. My anger had began to spike and I didn't want to do something I would regret. I stopped walking when a dark spine chilling chuckle left his lips. He began drumming his claws against the bars of the cell as I looked over my shoulder to him.

"You can't fool me." He smirked.

I tilted my head as I slowly turned around. I walked to the wall across his cell and leaned against it crossing my arms.

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