Chapter Four

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Walking in the front door I found my Mom seated at the dining room table deep in thought. Her leg was bouncing quickly as she bit at her nails. I knew I was in for it. He head snapped to me as the door closed and all the anger melted away replaced with worry.

I could see it. She was physically itching to come over to me to tend to my wounds as her Momma Wolf instincts tried to kick in, but her parental instinct were much quicker and she stayed in her seat. I moved to sit down across from her as her leg began to bounce slower.

"Are you out of your damn mind?" She asked in a whisper.
"Do you have any idea what he could have done to you?" She whispered hurt, but still angry.
"Do you have an idea what kind of repercussions the Pack could face now because of your decision?" She asked still whispering, but finally looking to me.

She slammed her fist down on the table causing me to jump from the sudden loud noise. My Mother usually doesn't scare me, but when she is quiet and semi calm like this, she does.

"Say something other than yes damn it!" She snapped to me.
"I know, Mom. I should've walked away, but you would have done the same thing."
"No, Mercy. I wouldn't have." She scoffed.
"Yes, you would have. If that had been your Best friend or even Dad you-"

She cut me off growling.

"Don't you dare try to excuse your poor decision making by using your dead Father and Friend." She snapped at me causing me to shake my head.
"At least I said something. What have you or anyone else done? You beg and beg, yet nothing changes. Yes, he could have killed me, but he didn't. So he slapped me and got a good hit on me? Those hits were worth every word I spoke wether you agree or not. He needed to hear the truth."

She tried to cut me off, but I raised to my feet.

"No, I'm talking now. For years we have all top toed around here and walked on egg shells not to piss off the big bad Wolf, but that stops now. Maybe not with you and the other's, but I'm done. I'm done watching you worry about a Pack that isn't even yours. ITS HIS! He is neglectful and filled with hate beyond repair."

Her eyes widened as she tried to stop me, but again I kept going. I will not be silenced no more. Not by him and not by my Mother.

"He needs help, Mom. Everyone knows it. Luna was needy and selfish, but she was a still a good person. She would never let her people live like this. She would cry if she came back and seen him throwing everything his Family worked hard for. Even he worked hard for this Pack at one point."

She put her hands over her mouth almost scared by my words.

"I remember when I was little that man used to toss me in the air and tickle me until I couldn't breathe and today.. today he beat me because I finally told him the truth. The truth that everyone is too scared to tell him. I can't, Mom. I can't sit by no more and watch this go on. Either he needs help or he needs to come to his senses."
"Mercy!" Mom finally shouted shutting me up.

The look on her face had me confused, but now that I was quiet, the power began to fill the room. His power. I turned around looking to where he stood in the door frame with his arms crossed and a void look on his face.

"Is that what you really think?" Alpha Grant asked.
"Yes. I do."
"Please. Go on. Don't let me stop you not that it's stopped you before." He spoke while taking a seat on the couch.

I watched with a face matching his as he leaned back on the couch crossing his arms and legs, then moved to sit down on the love seat.

"Are you going to punch me again because if so I'm gonna have to at least hit you back once."
"Are you now?" He asked hiding his smirk.

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