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 Mary stared at her brother's grave. Her heart burned with anger for the woman who had taken everything from her. Tears rolled down her cheeks as her mind conjured her brother's image but he was gone now. She had no one...No family...No one who loved her. It was all Claire's fault.

"No, My Dear," Eva purred behind her. As her alpha, she had heard her thoughts. "It's not all her fault...At least not solely. The fault lies with the whole Brazil family."

"But Luca—"

"Was using you until his bride got there," Eva said, her lips twisting into a half grin. "You aren't the first woman to fall because of one of the Brazil men."

"You?" She asked, frowning as she studied her alpha's face.

"No," she said, narrowing her eyes, "Though Garridan was my lover. He now protects one of those dogs. He will pay even more than he already has for choosing them over me."

Mary flinched at the viciousness in her voice. "Then, who was it?"

"Her name was Katie," Eva said and sighed as if sad. "She was with Andre before my niece, Aurora arrived to marry him."

"I would like to speak to Katie," Mary said with wide eyes. "Maybe she can help me."

"You can't," Eva said as her face reddened. "She was killed by Lilly."

"Lilly...The one who is married to Marco?" She asked. She tried to picture Lilly harming anyone but couldn't.

"She is Aurora's sister," Eva said but her voice lowered in what appeared to be sadness. "She is also my niece. My brother brought Aurora and Lilly here hoping to make a family. Fiona was with him then but the Brazil's had already turned them against us. My brother was killed and Fiona returned to them...To my brother, Ion who left us long ago for them.

She grabbed Mary's hand. "All of my blood has either died or they have turned against me and you are alone," she said with a half-smile. "But it will be all right. I will be your family now and you will be mine and I have a rule for those who hurt my family."

"What's that?" Mary asked.

"Blood for blood. If you shed the blood of my family, I'll shed yours," Eva said, raising her brow. "John was your blood, so he's mine too. Would you like for me to enact that rule for him?"

A smile moved across Mary's face. She closed her eyes envisioning the deaths of all the Brazil Werewolves. She opened her eyes and peered into the eyes of her alpha...Her new sister as she whispered, "I would."

Eva smiled as she took Mary into her arms.

Tempted (Book 5) The Brazil Werewolf SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now