Chapter Ten/Awake

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Three days passed and though the Brazil Family did help me, I chose to be alone. I continued to stare at the gash for countless hours willing it to close. The third night gave birth to new desperation because there was still no change and wolf's bane still scented his body. My heart ached because I didn't know what to do. I had lost my desire for religion after I was raped. Though I believed someone was the creator of the world, I didn't know who that was and I feared they wouldn't listen to me.

Instead, my heart ached so much that my chest hurt and I whispered over and over, "Please get better," hoping it would reach whoever would listen...Whoever would heal him.

These words flew from my lips becoming a mantra as I sat in the chir leaning my head on the bed beside him. I stared at the gash willing my energy into him as I hoped to see it become smaller and smaller but it didn't. My sight blurred with tears as the blood bond began to frighten me less than his death. I glanced at the scissors I used to cut the medical tape. The only thing that stopped me was the memory of his objection when Andre suggested it. I didn't know if the objection was his or whether he had objected to protect me. If the former, I would be giving him something that he didn't want. I wouldn't do that to him, no matter how afraid I was.

Instead, I gripped his hand tighter whispering, "Please get better."

I was still murmuring the plea as sleep took me.

I awoke with a start as the chirps of birds woke me feeling as if only moments passed. Guilt swirled through me as I realized I was wrong as morning light spilled through the room.

I glanced at Luca, my gaze falling on his chest. I blinked as my heart leapt. Gone were the gashes and smooth, unblemished skin took their places. I sat up, blinking as my eyes flew to his face, finding him awake.

The tightness that had invaded my chest from the moment he was harmed loosened and tears burst from me. My sobs trembled through my body as I realized he would live. I stood before sitting on the bed with wide eyes. His arm wrapped around me and pulled me against him, allowing me to cry into his chest.

"Shhh...It's all right, Claire," he whispered. "It will be okay now."

I nodded though my sobs did not stop and he held me until there were no more tears and all the pain and fear from the last few days had washed away.


"I didn't expect you to cry over me," Luca said as I moved to sit on the side of the bed. I was still hiccupping over the last of the sobs.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked as my brows drew together. I studied his face. "We are friends, aren't we?"

"Of course," he said, glancing at my cheek. It was obvious that he was remembering when Mary slapped me. "But you have already been through so much because of me. I wouldn't have been surprised if you hated me."

I shook my head. "I don't hate you and I'm not worried about a bruised cheek especially one you didn't cause," I said with wide eyes. "You almost died. I think that trumps anything Mary has done to me."

"You could have left me. I wouldn't have held it against you," he said, frowning. "Mary did. She saw me when I transitioned back into a human. The Grey wolves were everywhere. She didn't even call out for help. She just watched them try to rip me apart."

"Maybe she was afraid," I whispered but he shook his head.

"She has known for a long time what I am. She's witnessed my transition before. So, it wasn't fear. When the Grey wolves came, she stood there staring at me like I deserved what was happening to me. Then, she turned and left. You didn't leave. You were going to help search for me and you haven't transitioned. I remember that. I assume your presence saved me."

"Your family has helped," I whispered. "It wasn't just me."

"But I woke up to you," he said, studying my face. "Why did you stay when she didn't. She claimed to love me and I have brought you so much pain that you should hate me."

My stomach turned at the thought of his death and the color drained from my face. "I didn't want you to die," I whispered before meeting his eyes. "And I don't hate you. I understand why this marriage was hard for you. I did what I did because I care about what happens to you. I had to make you well. Your death was not going to happen if I could help prevent it."

He cupped my cheek. "That's the answer I would have expected out of her," he said. His voice was soft.

"Because you love her," I said, frowning at the bitterness saying those words elicited. "And she was supposed to love you."

His brow furrowed and his eyes darkened. "I'm not sure about that," he said and sighed. "You don't fall out of love with someone overnight. The night my parents died, I didn't even think of her when I made the decision to marry you. Besides, I wouldn't have the want to make this marriage work if I did love her. Maybe it was an infatuation...That's all it was. Especially when I feel this desire."

My stomach quivered and I took a shaky breath. "Desire?" I asked as my stomach twisted. "What desire?"

"This," he said as the hand against my cheek moved behind the back of my neck and pulled me forward until his lips pressed against mine.


He pulled me against him until I was laying on top of him. Heat traveled through my body as I returned his kiss. His arms slid down to wrap around my waist as a moan escaped my lips. The fear of his death and his lips against mine blended as I pressed against him, grateful he was alive and still with me.

His tongue touched my lips and I opened my mouth allowing him access. My heart thudded against my ribs as he held me against him. I gasped as his hardness pressed against me. My body froze as I was transported once again into the dark alley. John's hands not Luca's were on me and I trembled.

Luca sensed me stiffen and pulled away. His forehead rested against mine. His breath fanned over my face. "I won't go any further," he said and smiled. "Not when we are both unsure of our feelings. I want us both to be sure."

A shaky breath escaped me and I was grateful he would stop at a kiss and wasn't going to push me to go further. "Thank you," I whispered, taking a shaky breath.

"Claire," he said, cupping my cheek. His thumb brushed over my skin there.

"Yes?" I said resting my cheek against the palm of his hand.

"I would like to kiss you more though," he said as his lips twitched into a smile.

I blushed but I raised my eyes to his. "I would like that," I whispered as he pressed his lips to mine but this time no memories of my past plagued me.

Tempted (Book 5) The Brazil Werewolf SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now