Chapter Six/ Agreement

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I laid on my bed that night with the images of Sophia and Gavriel's faces in death burned into my mind. I barely knew them but there was a gaping hole in my chest caused by their loss. Tears spilled from my eyes and down my cheek as I cried until there were no tears left. My mother's sobs had stopped an hour before and all that accompanied me was the howl of the wind as it whipped over the mountains and hit the trailer, rocking it in such a violent way I wondered if it would topple.

The tap of something hard and sharp against the window above me, caused me to jump. I narrowed my eyes as I gazed at the glass wondering if I had imagined it until a small pebble tapped the window again. I sat up and turned to the window with wide eyes expecting to find Eva but she wasn't there. Luca's face moved in front of me and I had to cover my mouth with my hand to prevent a scream from exiting my lips. I narrowed my eyes as he motioned for me to come outside to speak with him. I sighed sure that the conversation would not be pleasant but still, I nodded.

I rose putting on my robe and tying it before opening the door and stepping out into the cool night air. Luca's eyes met mine and I swallowed at the darkness within them. I frowned as I crossed my arms over my chest and stepped closer to him studying his face.

"Luca," I whispered as my heart clenched. I took another step closer to him. He appeared so trapped in despair that I wanted to pull him out...To save him but I didn't know how. I pressed my lips together as I waited for him to speak.

"I need to talk to you," he said and my heart trembled. He had visited me to finish what I had started at the bonfire before the wolves had entered and killed his parents.

I sighed again and put out my hands. "No, you don't," I said, shaking my head. "I know why you're here."

He frowned and tilted his head as his dark eyes roamed over my face. "I doubt it."

"You aren't calling off the engagement?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. He shifted on his feet and shrugged.

"No, I'm not," he said stepping nearer to where I stood so he could stare into my eyes with a steadiness that demanded I listen to him. "I'm asking you not to either. I realize what you planned to do before...The wolves came."

"You're in love with someone else," I said, pursing my lips. I shifted realizing how much his love for Mary bothered me but I didn't understand why.

"And that's over," he said, nodding his head once as if the matter was settled. "It was over before..."

I shook my head and put my hands out to stop him. "It's not. I saw you with her," I said, raising my chin. "I didn't mean to walk into your conversation with her but it gave me perspective. You love her. It's not over...Not for you or for her. It doesn't end things just because you stopped dating. The emotions are still there."

He ran his hands through his hair breaking his gaze with me. "I'm sorry you saw that," he said, shifting. Tears rested in his eyes as he glanced toward the bonfire pit. Embers still lit the center as the silhouettes of men poured water on it.

I pressed my lips together before I spoke. "Your parents aren't here to enforce this marriage," I said, staring down at my bare feet. I shrugged. "My parents won't force you to marry me without them. You can marry the girl you love."

"I realize that," he said, and I glanced at him confused. "I'm not marrying you because I'm forced to...Not anymore."

I shook my head. "You're doing it for the promise to your mother," I said, rolling my eyes and fighting back a groan. "That's not any better, Luca. You don't even like me."

Tempted (Book 5) The Brazil Werewolf SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now