Chapter 3- Falling

Start from the beginning

I shook my head again while the tears never stopped from falling from my eyes.

"Come on, let's go back before they notice we're missing." she instructed.

She walked past me and I was left confused, sad, scared, dumbfounded. I honestly didn't know what to feel.

Was that her face when she hurt the poor girl from their school? Did she just show me the devil side of her?

That's not the only moment she totally scared the hell out of me. One time, when my grandparents and their children went to the mainland to attend an important event, I showed Lauren a special room.

It's my grandpa's study. Of course, they won't permit us to go through his stuff but Lauren badly wanna see it so we snuck out, she literally pulled me in and locked the door.

"Woah. It looks like a rich man's classic vortex." she commented as she roamed her eyes around the huge fancy room.

"He's a collector, he got really weird and expensive stuff." I said while spinning the huge globe sitting on the oversize study table.

"Are you gonna kill me if I steal all of these fancy stuff?" she asked, checking out some old photographs on the shelf.

"Not me, but granpa will." I told her with a smile on my face.

She walked to a book shelf and lifted one book and scanned it for awhile as I was also busy checking out the exact location of the island on the globe.

"Camz!" she suddenly called out, making me jump out of my skin.

"What?" I asked, eyeing her.

"What is this button?"

She pointed on a weird button behind the books.

"I don't have any idea." I said as I shook my head and she began to remove the books slightly covering it.

"What are you doing?" I asked in confusion.

"We'll find out what it is for." she told me.

"Wait!" I tried to stop her but she already pressed the button and the shelf automatically moved and the wall split in two, revealing another room. Our jaw dropped when we saw a collection of gun all over the walls and displayed on glass boxes.

"Now awesome!"

Lauren exclaimed  I swallowed hard. I can't believe my grandpa has gun collection and I never really thought he's the kind of a person who will hide dangerous weapons inside our house.

"Oh my God." I mumbled with mix of fear and astonishment.

"I didn't know your grandpa's into some underground business. This is seriously beyond cool. Look at those." She said. I never saw her face that happy. I mean, she have that perfect smile again.

She walked around like a kid in a toy store but she stopped on her tracks when she saw a special gun sitting alone in a huge glass stand.

"Holy shit. This is insanely beautiful." she said in excitement.

She placed her hand on its glass door and I stopped her.

"Hey what are you doing?" I asked, giving her a look of warning.

"I'm just gonna check it out." she told me as she continued.

"Lauren, no." I tried to stop her once again but she already slide the door and grabbed the gun.

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