Chapter 4

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When they regrouped with Luce and Verde, the pregnant woman happily smiled at all of them while Verde made a beeline to Fon who was still carrying Tomoe.

He had so many questions to ask her.

But unfortunately, the girl seemed to have fallen asleep in Fon's arms. What? She was tired and Fon's body heat was hot, hotter than most people. Tomoe was pretty sure it was from his burning storm flames. I mean, despite having sky flames, Tomoe's body was usually colder than most people due to her main snow flames.

"Tomoe really went beyond my expectations!" Luce chirped as they got into a black limousine. "Snow flames are extraordinary!"

"Snow flames?" Verde and Viper questioned at the same time while Reborn, Lal Mirch, Skull, and Fon stayed quiet, instead responding with a raised brow or confused look.

"I never heard of snow flames," Fon admitted, buckling Tomoe up as her head leaned onto Skull's shoulder, snuggling into his neck which caused the older teenager to tense, sitting very straight and still.

"They are a newly discovered flame," the donna answered, clasping her hands together. "First of their kind!"

"First of their kind?"

"Amazing, there is such much to discover with their abilities then."

Reborn was still suspicious. "If they're a new flame, how did Checkerface find out before the Vindice?"

The temperature in the limo got colder at the mention of the Vindice, or Vindicare, the mafia police who protect the laws of the mafia world and enforce the Omerta.

"When selecting the strongest, apparently Checkerface found her," Luce began to explain, retelling and summarizing what Checkerface told her.

She did not know that the story he told was full of lies.

"He was looking for a cloud guardian and was going to a potential Arcobaleno when he witnessed a fight between some mafioso and Tomoe occurring. He then saw her snow flames, helped her flee from the scene before the Vindice could arrive and arrested the mafioso who broke the Omerta, and recruited her to be part of the strongest."

Well, it totally wasn't like someone was hiding the fact and evidence of a new type of flame, misguiding the Vindice, fooling them and leading them down the wrong path in the complete opposite direction of Tomoe and the information.

No one would possibly do that to the mafia police!


There was a masked man named Checkerface who was enjoying fucking around with the Vindice. He was relishing in the fact that the Vindicare didn't even know that snow flames existed, more less a person who can wield them, a dual flame civilian sky wielder in fact.

"And she just agreed?" Lal Mirch frowned. "She was probably terrified of her life. The entire mission she was pale and shaking like a leaf."

Luce gave her a closed eyed smile. "Who knows."

Now they were definitely curious about Tomoe. How did someone like her get involved in the mafia?

"Was that how Checkerace recruited you too?" Fon asked Skull, who was oddly silent.

"No. He appeared in the Great Skull's backroom after a show and showed me his flames after saying I have cloud flames," he replied, his voice still high pitched but softer so as to not wake Tomoe up.

"Great. So he basically got civilians involved with ploys," Viper grumbled before glancing at Verde. "Mu. I bet you agreed to join for the name of science."

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