one ・❥・boys' stupid little ego's

Start from the beginning

"You go, it will be fine." We both knew it was a bullshit lie.

At the sound of the door swinging open, I forced my usual smirk onto my lips as I turned my head over my shoulder. "What's up, guys?"

"How you doing, Mia?" Leon asked whilst pulling me into a quick side hug.

"I'm good."

"How you living, girl?"

"Hey, hey, hey." Jesse mumbled with a grin before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into a messy hug before suddenly releasing me with a scrunched up nose. "Your hair? Your hair smells like- like fruit?"

"I'll take that as a compliment J."

I was waiting for his greeting, for him to say hi- Vinces silence unnerved me. My hands slightly balled into fists at my sides as I turned around to see Vince ridiculously close to Brian, leering over him.

For fucks sake.

"Vince." I called only to be greeted with silence. "Vince!" I snapped.

"What?" He asked dumbfounded.

With a hand on my hip, I cocked my head to the side. "Can I get you anything?"

"You look good Lola B."

At the mention of the nickname, I rolled my eyes. Over the years, I had somehow adopted the nickname Lola Baby, thankfully Jesse shortened it to Lola B which was what most people rolled with- however, some still called me Lola Baby which made my blood boil beyond control.

Vince never called me Lola B unless he was trying to be nice, which for Vince, only seemed to be in front of Brian. Their stupid little egos were threatened by each other and whilst it was amusing at first, it got old fast.

"Thanks a lot, Lola." Brian suddenly snapped before standing up. "See you tomorrow."

"I know."

"Tomorrow?" Vince echoed.

"I love this part." Leon muttered, earning a scowl from me.

I couldn't have one day of peace.

"Fucking idiots." I muttered under my breath as the boys all slowly filtered out.

"They're at it again." Letty mumbled before running outside.

I was losing my patience with them, the fighting, the bickering, I was sick of all of it. The constant violence that surrounded my life haunted me, though I couldn't do anything about it. I was born into it. And whilst I wasn't the biggest fan of conflict, I couldn't help but get constantly tangled within it. It always sucked me in.

Violence and conflict was intertwined in my soul.

With a murderous scowl on my face and no patience left, I roughly slammed my hands against my brother's office window. "Jesus Christ, Dom! Would you get out there? I'm sick of this shit." Nothing. "I'm not kidding, Dom. Get out there!"

Taking his sweet ass time, Dom overdramatically stood and turned around with a smile on his lips. "What did you put in that sandwich?"

"Real funny, asshole." I shot back whilst flipping him off.

Like the lord and saviour he was, Dom finally stepped in. Weeks had passed where he had sat in his office, pretending as if I wasn't having to deal with two boys and their stupid little egos. Finally, he was doing something about it- doing something about Vince I hoped.

"Again?" Mia asked with a sigh as she popped her head out from Dom's office.

"Yep. A bunch of fucking idiots."

I needed to get out before I did something stupid like go out there and get myself tangled up in their fight- I couldn't afford to get involved, couldn't afford to get in trouble for punching Vince again.

"Where you going?" Mia asked as I snatched up my keys.

"I've paid my dues."

"Lola." She whined.

"Relax, you'll survive without me."

Lola's pov...

My cherry red 1999 Toyota MR2 Spyder with a custom engine was my most prized possession. I had worked on it every day since I had gotten it, giving it the love and attention it deserved.

Oil stained my hands as I inspected the levels, making sure it was in top shape. I needed it in perfect condition to win.

"Hmmm." The sudden humm in my ear scared the living shit out of me and on instinct I spun around and punched the asshole who scared me hard in the chest, making a choking gasp fall from their lips.

Blood burned in my veins as I turned around to find Jesse bent over winded. "Fuck you J."

From the side, Letty and Leon snickered whilst Jess clutched onto his chest. "Jesus christ."

"That was your own fault, Jesse." Dom shot back with a smile as he walked over to me. "You planning on racing tonight?"

"You bet your ass I am." I muttered, only to have my brother shake his head in disapproval. "What? Dom-"

"Not tonight."

"Is this because I beat your ass at the last race wars? Come on, I'll go easy on you this time."

Only one person had beaten my brother and that happened to be me. Beating his ass was the best moment of my life. I had been raised by the best and I had beaten the best.

"Go easy on me?" Dom challenged with a smile.

"You need humbling." And I would happily humble any guy.

His smile grew before it suddenly fell and we were back to business, the small moments like that were what I treasured, when Dom was just my brother and not my protector, because from the stern look on his face, I could tell he was trying to protect me from something.

"The cops are going to be on us tonight."

"You really think?"

It wasn't that I doubted him, cops were always on us, it was that I doubted that being his reason for why I couldn't race.

"Yeah. That and I think troubles going to be there."

"Trouble has a name." I shot back with a smirk as the other shoe finally dropped. "Brian."

A hint of a smile tugged on my brother's lips as he narrowed his eyes on me. "Brian is it?"

"Brody?" I hummed to myself. "Ben? Brian. I'm pretty sure it's Brian."

"Stay away from him, Lola."

"Why?" I shot back because I was incapable of not challenging everyone.

"It's all fun and games until an asshole ends up breaking your heart-"

"Please." I huffed with a shake of my head.

"Or you breaking their heart."

"That seems more plausible." I agreed with a nod.

"Stay away from him, Lola. I don't want you getting hurt."

With a roll of my eyes, a small snort slipped. "We both know that isn't gonna happen, Dom. Be realistic. If anything you should be giving this talk to Brian-"

"Just saying." He shot back before throwing his hands in the air. "Just saying, Lola."

I wasn't staying away from him, even if I knew I should've. Brian intrigued me in the most addictive way. Staying away from him was a warning I should've been given on day one. It was day thirty and I had been sucked too far into our little game to leave.


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