one ・❥・boys' stupid little ego's

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Lola's pov...

"Tuna on white, no crust, right?"

Everyday for the past few weeks, the irritating idiot with blue eyes and who always wore a stupid smirk on his lips had come into the grocery store asking how the fucking tuna was.

"I don't know. How is it?" He asked on que, a smirk on his lips.

I was losing my shit with this boy.

"You've come here, every fucking day for the last few weeks, asking how the tuna is." I muttered with narrowed eyes. "Now, it was crappy yesterday. It was crappy the day before. And it will definitely be crappy tomorrow."

The guy in front of me was full on grinning, making his eyes light up before he shook his head and forced his gaze back onto the magazine he held in his hands. "I'll have the tuna."

"No crust?" I asked with a sickeningly sweet smile as I cocked my head to the side.

"No crust." He shot back, it wasn't hard to miss the amusement in his voice which pissed me off even more.

With a roll of my eyes, I spun on my heel and walked towards Mia who also couldn't help hide her amusement from watching the two of us. Every day he showed up and asked the same stupid question and every day I gave him the same answer. The food was shitty, there was no denying it, there was a reason he was the only customer that ever ordered food.

"Don't." I muttered in a low warning to my sister, knowing what was on the tip of her tongue.

"Fine." She whispered with a grin. "Tuna on white, no crust?"

"Tuna on white, no crust."

I couldn't understand him, why he continued to show up and why he got under my skin so much. With one hand on my hip, I turned around and narrowed my eyes on him. Something about him bugged me, I just didn't know why.

Feeling my eyes on him, Brian looked up with a stupidly big smirk on his lips. "What?"

"Oh nothing." I hummed. "Just looking at you."

"You're not one for subtlety?"


A hint of a smirk ghosted my lips as I watched him watch me, like two idiots, we were both staring at each other through narrowed eyes, silently challenging the other.

"Here." Mia muttered from beside me.

Without breaking eye contact, I took the plate from her hand and walked up to the counter. Like the tease I am, I leaned against the counter, only stopping when my face was inches away from his.

"Tuna on white, no crust." I whispered under my breath, my eyes on his and my face inches away.

"Thank you." He shot back in a low mumble.

Just as my lips parted to shoot back a remark, the loud roar of engines ripped through the air, making me roll my eyes as I backed away from the counter and turned my back to Brian.

Oh fucking hell.

All hell was about to break loose.

"I'm going to go sit out back with Dom, you good out here?" Mia mumbled whilst eyeing the boys pulling up outside.

She was as sick of the fights as I was, I didn't blame her for trying to escape, I would if I could only I couldn't- I seemed to be the cause of the fights. From the first day Brian walked in, I served him, and on the first day I entertained him and let him play into my game. It was clearly a mistake because he came back the next day, and every day since. It enraged Vince- the reason why I knew but I couldn't do anything about it.

chasing angels ・❥・Brian O'Connor ficWhere stories live. Discover now