Best Friend's Sister

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And while he stood there and watched on as the rest of the dojo was doing their own thing, he started to put his focus back on (Y/N), hoping that Miguel wouldn't notice.

Deep down, Hawk knew that he would have to talk to Miguel about asking out his sister. But a part of him is scared to find out his reaction. He wouldn't know what Miguel would think. Maybe Miguel wouldn't want his best friend to date his sister. Of course, it would be understandable but Hawk knows that he wants to be with (Y/N) more than anything.

Training wouldn't start right away so Hawk had plenty of time to talk about it with Miguel.

His hands were a bit sweaty because of how nervous he is. He went over what he would say in his head before he got the chance to say anything about it.

With enough courage, he took a deep breath before facing Miguel again, "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure, what's up?"

Hawk was definitely growing nervous by the minute and he hadn't said anything about the situation. He's scared about what Miguel would think.

With a confident look on his face, he said, "I have a crush on your sister and I would love to have your blessing to be able to ask her out on a date."

"Wait, you have a crush on my sister?" Miguel questioned.

"Yeah." Hawk nodded. "I've liked her even when I was in Cobra Kai."

It took a while for Miguel to say anything to Hawk. He was clearly thinking this over and trying to think of something to say. Hawk had started to get more nervous because of Miguel taking a few minutes to tell him yes or no. It made him a bit worried about what his answer would be.

At this point, Hawk is hoping for some good news.

It would make his day if Miguel gave him his blessing to ask out his sister.

A few more seconds went by before Miguel started to say, "I'm still not entirely sure what to think of this. But I can tell how much this would mean to you. You're my best friend and I do trust you. I know you won't hurt her so I do give you my blessing to ask out my sister."

Hawk started to have a smile that was full of glee. He was so happy with what Miguel had decided.

"Thank you so much." He continued to smile and that made Miguel start to smile too.

"Of course." Miguel nodded, "Just treat her right and we won't have a problem."

"I'll treat her right, I promise."

After Hawk's sentence, the two best friends did their handshake together before training started to begin.

Daniel and Johnny decided to have the students spar with each other so everyone took turns with sparring matches. Hawk had sparring matches with Miguel, Demetri, Sam, Chris, and even (Y/N).

There have been a few times where Johnny and Daniel would argue about the karate styles that would be used. Johnny would want them to fight aggressively while Daniel would want them to fight in a very calm manner.

All of the kids would watch Johnny and Daniel argue while they wouldn't know what to do.

But luckily soon enough, all of their arguing would cause training to end early and all of the students felt relieved.

Hawk felt good because now he had the chance to talk to (Y/N).

He walked over to the side of the dojo to retrieve his bag before walking over to (Y/N) who was also grabbing her bag, getting ready to leave.

With nervous and shaky hands, he slowly approached her and put on a confident smile on his face.

"Hey, (Y/N)."

At the sound of his voice, she turned around and gave him a smile. "Hey, Hawk. What's up?"

"I just wanted to talk to you about something." He said as he took a deep breath.

He knew this was his big opportunity. He was going all in. Miguel gave him his blessing and he knows that he doesn't want to screw this up when trying to ask her out.

Then with a sigh, he said, "I just want the chance to see if you'd like to go on a date with me. I really like you and I think you're absolutely great. It would mean the world to me if you were to give me this chance."

If he was nervous about her reaction, he tried not to show it. He wanted to be as confident that he could be. He mustered up the possibility that she could say no so he was preparing himself for rejection. He just hoped that he would get the answer that he really wants. He's definitely crossing his fingers.

(Y/N) had a bit of blush on her face as she heard his question. She thought it was really sweet.

Then she nodded, "Yeah, absolutely. I would love to."

Hawk instantly beamed just hearing her answer because he hoped that she would say that.

"That's awesome."

And then he added, "Would tomorrow night work?"

"Yeah." She smiled.

"I'll pick you up and then we'll have a fun time." He let her know and he literally couldn't wipe the smile off his face because of how happy he was in this moment.

"What time would the date be?"

"How about 7:00?"

"That's perfect."

"Great." He said.

"I'm looking forward to the date." She let him know.

"I'm looking forward to it as well." He said, "It's going to be so much fun."

And he believes that. He's going to be spending time with the sweetest girl he has met and it wouldn't be at the dojo where they are surrounded by their friends. It's going to be an actual one on one date where they are spending time together with no distractions.

Hawk and (Y/N) said goodbye to each other before they got into their own cars to leave the dojo.

On his way home, Hawk couldn't stop thinking about (Y/N). He had waited a good while to be able to ask her out on a date and it's finally happening. He's so happy.

Now all he has to do is plan the perfect date with the most perfect girl.


Hey guys, I'm back.

And I have another imagine for you all.

This imagine is about Hawk having a crush on Miguel's sister and wanting to ask her out on a date.

Again, I just wanna let you all know that I do take requests. You can message me or comment some ideas in the comments section.

Happy 4th of July to those who celebrate. ❤️🤍💙.

Happy Tuesday everyone.

I hope you all liked this imagine.

Eli Moskowitz Imagines Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang