Welcome to Neverland

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The young girl walked through the docks. She didn’t know what she was searching for, but as long as she found a way to leave this place she was happy.

When she was about to give up her search, leave this town and continue to run, she saw it. The biggest boat resting there by the docks.

It looked like a pirate ship, big and old. Just like she imagined them. Hopefully the people who owned the boat would let her go with them.

She couldn’t stay, not when she was after her. She had to try, this was her only chance to leave.

The girl carefully walked up to the ship. When she got closer she could see two people, two men talking with each other.

“Hello,” The dark haired girl called out to the men.

“Who are you?” The blonde man asked.

“My name is Alyssa, and I need to get out of here,”

“How do you expect us to help you?” The dark haired man asked.

“It looks like you’re going somewhere, take me with you,”

“Why would we do that?”

“I suspect you’re working for the king,” Alyssa said, referring to the men's clothes. “And I’m running from an enemy of the king, which makes me the king’s ally,”

“We’re on a mission,” The blonde man said. “To receive a unbeatable weapon,”

“Take me there please, I just need to leave this land before she finds me,”

“Fine,” The blonde man said. “You can go with us,”

“Thank you,”


The boat sat sail, to where Alyssa had no idea but that didn’t really matter. She needed to be away for a few hours. So she could stop looking for her. This was exactly what she needed.

“You never told me your names,” Alyssa said to the boys.

“And you never told us who’s looking for you,” The dark haired boy shot back.

“You answer my question first,”

“My name is Liam, this is my brother Killian,” The blonde boy said calmly.

“Now who’s looking for you?” Killian asked.

“Not important,” Alyssa told him, making Killian sigh in annoyance. “I only need to leave this land for a few hours and then she’ll give up,”

“Just tell us, we’re the ones saving your life,”

“It’s a witch, the witch who trained me,"

“You’re a witch,” Liam pointed out.

“Yes, I am,”

“How can we trust you?” Killian asked.

“Well first of all we’re already on our way to this abandoned island, we have no way back yet, and second of all me being a witch is nothing I’m proud of,”

“What do you expect to happen? Either way we’re going back soon and than this other witch will find you,”

“No, I just need to leave for a few hours, I already told you that,”

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