It's all your fault

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Alyssa walked back to camp, she had just annoyed the heroes because she could and she needed their little wonder group to split up.

In that way they would be so much easier to kill. Alyssa wanted to think about that, how it would feel to win, but she couldn’t. The only thing she could think about was what Emma had told her.

“We can give you a home in Storybrooke,” she’d said. Someone had promised her that before, a home, but they lied.

They lied and they left her on this island. Neverland was her home now, she didn’t need anything else. Her, Peter and the lost boys, that was her family, they were the ones who cared.

And soon the whole world would follow their orders, she wouldn’t just be the queen of Neverland, but the queen of every land. That’s what she deserved, that’s what she wanted and that’s what she would get.

When Alyssa arrived at camp she saw all the lost boys dance around the big fire, Pan sitting next to them playing with his pipe.

Alyssa loved that music, it was proof that she really was lost, and rather be lost and mad than know exactly who you are and regret everything you’ve done. She walked over to Pan and sat next to him.

“Where have you been?” Peter asked, looking down at Alyssa.

“Provoked the heroes,” Alyssa said coolly.

“In what way?”

“I absolutely didn’t tell Little Miss Perfect Mills she’s my sister and the whole story of how The all so Mighty Evil Queen left me when I was a child,” Alyssa said, smiling at Peter who let out a chuckle.

“But you haven’t said anything about Miracle hand yet?”

“I need to save some fun for later,” Alyssa said. “Talking about fun he looks pretty sad,” Peter looked to where Alyssa had pointed, at Henry.

“Oh, yeah, him,”

“What are you going to do about it?”

“We could play a game,”

“Of course you could,” Alyssa whispered to herself as Peter walked up to Henry and talked to him.

She couldn’t hear what they said but after a while they both stood up and Peter held a crossbow in his hand.

“Felix!” Pan screamed, “Get over here,”

The older lost boy did what he was told and it looked like he understood the assignment when he put an apple on his head and smirked at Henry.

Oh no, not this game, it was boring if you weren’t the one to shoot.

“But I don’t wanna shoot,” Henry protested.

“You can let me do it,” Alyssa whispered to herself.

“Shoot, shoot, shoot,” The lost boys cheered.

“You won’t hit him. Trust yourself. Go on,” Peter said. “It’s exhilarating.”

“Or you will and do us all a favor,” Alyssa mumbled, as the lost boys continued to chant,

“Shoot, shoot, shoot,”

Finally Henry aimed at the apple. Suddenly he changed his target, shooting the arrow at Peter who catched it midair.

Everyone looked shocked and let out silent “ohs”. But Alyssa was really amazed, if Henry kept doing things like this she would gladly call him her little brother.

“Told you it was exhilarating. Come on, I have to show you something,” Peter told Henry who followed after him.

Alyssa sat in her favorite tree on the island. She heard loud footsteps coming from underneath her. It was the pirate, or Hook as everyone knows him. Or betraying ass bitch as Alyssa knew him.

She knew Hook had seen her when he suddenly stopped. He looked around, clearly scared. Alyssa had that effect on people. So it wasn’t something new for Alyssa to see in her enemies eyes.

"I know you're here Alyssa," Hook said and Alyssa gracefully jumped down from the tree.

"And who's fault is that?" Alyssa smirked at him. Hook was absolutely stunned by her words and just stared at Alyssa.

"Oh that’s right, it’s yours," Alyssa smiled. "It's your fault I’m even on this island, it’s your fault I’m trapped here, it’s your fault I can't leave!" she was screaming by now. "It's all your fault!"

"How do you think your new friends will react when they get to know the fact that you, Killian Jones, almost killed me,"

Alyssa didn’t need to say more, Hook was already warned. One little wrong move, and she could give him a destiny to stay on the island forever. Just like her.

Alyssa arrived at camp and saw all the lost boys dance around the fire, like always. It felt weird.

Everyone was acting as usual but they would all soon leave the island and take over the world.

Everyone but Alyssa, because she could never leave. Even if she wanted to.

"Hey, Lyssa, where have you been," Peter smiled at her before he gave her a quick little kiss. She couldn’t do anything but smile back.

"Made Miracle hand feel guilty,"

“The heroes don't know yet?”

“Not yet, but soon they will,” Alyssa smiled and glanced at Henry who sat alone a few feet away from them. “How’s the convincing going?”

“We’ll get there, trust me, soon he will hand over the heart freely. And when he does that, you and me will be unstoppable,” Peter smiled and so did Alyssa.

Unstoppable, they would rule the worlds. And nothing was going to be able to stop them.

Atleast that's what Alyssa thought.


New chapter, finally.

I'm sorry for not being ver active but I've had some things to do.

But it's summer break now, my parents work so I'm home and hopefully I'll get the energy to write.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and trust me you’ll get more Alyssa soon. She’s actually the real main character of this story.

Have a nice day and please leave a vote or comment if you liked this chapter.

Love, Andy

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