She never told you?

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Avery walked through the woods, following the strange voice calling for her. A bunch of questions suddenly hit her.

Why was the voice calling after her and not anyone else?

Who was Rumple talking about when he said there were going to be more threats than Pan?

What did Henry have to do with any of this?

Was Greg and Tamara aware of what they were getting themselves into?

Where was Henry?

After some walking Avery got an answer about Greg and Tamara when she found both of them laying on the ground, dead. Tamara looked like she had been shot and Greg just looked lifeless. They had been attacked and killed by Pan or Pans friends but Avery didn’t care about that. She just wanted to know where Henry was.

“HENRY!” She screamed hoping he was near, but he wasn’t. “HENRY! HENRY!” She continued but still nothing.

“He won’t hear you,” The same voice that had been talking in Averys head said, but this time she was there. Avery turned around and faced the girl. The same girl she had seen in her terrible dream. The girl who tried to kill her.

“Who are you?” Avery asked. She tried to look brave but she couldn’t, she didn’t know what this girl could do to her.

“Don’t be scared Avery, I won’t hurt you,” The girl said.

“How do you know my name?”

“Who doesn't?” The girl said laughing. “You are Avery Mills, the daughter of the Evil Queen. The daughter Regina chose to keep.”

“The daughter she chose?”

“She never told you?”

“Told me what?”

“We are sisters, Avery.” The girl said. “My name is Alyssa Mills and I am your sister.”

“I don’t understand?”
“Are you dumb or deaf?” Alyssa asked. “I am your sister. Regina Mills didn’t just get one daughter, she got two.”

“I’m adopted, I’m not Regina's real daughter.”

“You are, and so am I. Regina and her lover Daniel got two daughters, but Daniel was dead and Regina was married to the King when we were born. She needed to act like nothing happened and that she just found a girl at the doorstep, but finding two would be too obvious. So she kept one and sent the other away. I am your twin sister.”

Avery didn’t know how to respond, she just ran away from Alyssa to find her mother and confront her. She needed answers, right now.

She found her mother on her way to the Jolly Roger, her and the others were fighting about something. In her hand Emma was holding a blanc paper. When Regina saw Avery she just started to yell at her.

“Avery Mills! Where have you been! I was so worried!” Regina said and walked up to hug her daughter.

“I’m your real daughter?” Avery blurted out.


“You didn’t find me in the forest alone, you gave birth to me,”

“Who told you this,”

“You gave birth to another girl too,” Avery continued. “I have a twin sister and her name is Alyssa Mills,”

Everyone stared at Regina in shock. Regina just looked up at Avery with the look of guilt on her face.

“You did that?” Snow asked, shocked.

“I didn’t have a choice,”

“What does this Alyssa even have to do with any of this?” Emma asked.

“She is here,” Avery said, “On Neverland, and she is hella mad at you,”

“Alyssa is working with Pan?”

“Nah, I just live here for fun and annoy Peter in the afternoons,” Alyssa said, appearing behind Emma.

Everyone stared at her in complete shock. She was wearing the same black shirt and skirt she wore in Avery's dream.

“Alyssa, right?” Emma asked.

“No, the wicked witch from Oz,”

“You’re sarcastic, got it. Listen to me, we can help you,”

“How, may I ask?”

“We can get you a home in Storybrooke, and a family,”

“I have a home here, that’s all I need,” Alyssa said with a big grin on her face, “I don’t have time to humiliate you all day, see ya,” Alyssa continued and disappeared as fast as she appeared.

After Alyssa left everyone started arguing about what to do. But Avery could only think of one thing in the chaos, what if Regina kept Alyssa and not Avery. Avery would also be mad at her.

And she would definitely want the life she didn’t get, the life she deserved.

I am very sorry for this slow updates, curentally I have alot in school and also a lot of handball.

This chapter is short but I hope you'll enjoy it any ways.

Love you all,


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