You failed miserably

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"What is this supposed to be?" Regina asked, standing in front of the big stone wall.

"So... what, Neal swung out of Neverland on a vine?" Emma asked.

"Well, if someone would be kind enough to lend me a hand," Hook said. "What do you say, savior?"

"I'll do it," David said, pulling the vine.

"You don't look so hot, mate," Hook whispered to David in a lowered voice.

"It's a hundred degrees in this damn jungle. And I'm plenty hot," David whispered back in the same low voice.

"You're really not," Avery told him, patting his shoulder.

David didn't really have time to respond before they heard the sound of stone scraping and the door to Neal's old home opened.

"Ladies first," Hook said, letting the girls walk into the old home. The two men stayed behind and talked about something but Avery couldn't hear what.

"Hey! You two coming or what?" Avery asked the men.

"Hook! What is this place? What are we doing here?" Emma yelled after the pirate.

"Neal's old home," Avery said, looking around in the cave.

"You're right little Mills. Bealfire spent some time in Neverland as a boy. This was his home," Hook said.

"So you think he may have left a clue as to how he escaped from here?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Well, let's hope so, or we'll be lost just like he was,"



Alyssa sat at the bonfire where the lost boys were dancing. Peter was trying to convince Henry that he was actually lost just like everyone else on this island.

Usually Alyssa would be thrilled during the bonfire's but not tonight. Something felt wrong, she didn't know what, but something was terribly wrong.

She got an answer to it when she saw Felix walk into camp late with a very concerned look on his face. Alyssa stood up from her seat, walking over to the lost boy.

"What did you do this time?" Alyssa asked him.

"I know that look, what happened?" Peter, who had walked over to them, asked Felix.

"Baelfire," Felix said. "I'm afraid he got away,"

"Baelfire's back?" Alyssa questioned. "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"We were going to catch him first," Felix defended.

"And you failed miserably," Alyssa told him.

"Why didn't you get him back?" Peter asked, ignoring Alyssa's comment.

"I tried. I followed his trail and found two of our sentries knocked out... By a sleeping curse,"

"The Dark One. So father and son have been reunited,"

"You're going to invite them to a friendly family dinner now?" Alyssa joked.

"Very funny,"

"They'll be coming for the boy," Felix said, switching back to the subject. "We should move him somewhere safe,"

"Now, now, Felix. Where's your sense of adventure? We can't end the party when the real fun is about to begin,"

"Oh boy," Alyssa muttered.

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