12: Ren

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'It's- it's bad. Very bad.' Is all Cub explains, eyes wide as he return.

'Bdubs?' Grian guesses. I stand closer to Martyn.

'No. No not Bdubs. The True Vengeance. Xornoth's... Xornoth's Group.'

'What?' Scar seems to know who he's talking about and from Martyn's expression, he does too.

'True what now?' Grian frowns. 'Who are they, how are they bad?'

'Me and Scar have... A bad history with them. They're brutal. And don't like us. Is Scott back?'

'Wait... Xornoth is Scott's brother.' I remember. 'Is he behind this?'

'I don't know. Who knows how to sail a ship? We need to get away. We just need to get away.' Cub's still panicking. Doc raises a hand, running to the wheel. I stand closer to Martyn. Grian's still confused.

'So... So this group of bad people are after you and Scar? Why? What happened?'

'They'll think we have the egg. And want it themselves.'

'Well we don't!'

'That's not going to stop them! Doc, can you make the ship go any faster?!'

'Cub, how do you know so much about them?!'

'Excuse me, what's going on out here?! I'm trying to sleep!' Joey interrupts, bursting into view.

'Your boyfriend is coming to murder us!'

'Someone check their progress.' Cub continues being in control. I take up the role, grabbing the spyglass from him as I pass...

'It's very close. We won't be able to outrun them.'

'Cub how do you know so much about them?!'

'Because they want their side of the deal.'

'What deal?'

'The deal where I became indebted to them to save your life, Scar!'

'What's wrong with Xorny?' Joey continues to question. 'He's never tried to hurt anyone...'

Their conversation falls into the background as arrows fly towards me. I scramble away.

'Dudes! They're shooting at us!'

'Scar, get inside and hide.'

'Tell me what's going on.'

'I have! It's not important! If I remember anything else I'll explain it after this is over.'

'What's going on?!' Another voice, this time from Scott climbing up the side of the boat. 'Why are their arrows?! Lizzie was nearly hit!'

'I do not appreciate being hit by arrows!' Another Triton with pink hair and blue scales follows Scott onto the boat.

'Hey Lizzie...' Grian apparently knows them. 'How's... Life?'

'Joel told me what you did.'

'We have more important things to worry about right now!' Cub insists. 'Scar, hide. I'll join you. Martyn, Grian... Find something to fight with. Or try to lure them away. Doc, stay on the wheel. Ren, keep look out. Scott, Lizzie, Joey... Help, or get out the way.'

'They're getting very close now, dudes...' I warn. 'As in... I don't need the spyglass to see how many weapons they've got...' I catch sight of one of the sailors with long blonde hair pointing towards us. Their shouts to stop next to us.

'They're... Basically on our ship now.' At this point, everyone can see their position. I run to join the others again. Doc tries to veer the ship out the way. It doesn't work.

A Disaster of Fugitives - an MCYT D&D AU fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें