My eyes were trained on Charles and I watched as he walked towards Rose whose eyes seem to have lit up. I want to tell her that whatever was going on in her head would never happen, but I can't take away this chance for Charles. He needed to end this with his own will.

"I didn't expect to see you guys together with everything that's been happening." Rose spoke again and her eyes widened when Charles let out a bitter laugh.

"I don't know how I managed to stay with you that long." He said, voice laced with anger as he looked down at her.

"You don't mean that."

"You don't know me well enough to say that." He spat back. "With everything that's happened, I expected you to let it go, Rose. Did you even love me for me, or did you just want a life with someone who had the resources to support you?"

Max let out a huff of hair behind me and I turned around to shush him, greeted by a smirk on his lips.

"Of course I loved you! Unlike Nadia, I–"

"Unlike Nadia, you're stupid enough to believe that what you see is the truth. If this were the other way around, she'd make sure the story was real."

"If this were the other way around, I wouldn't leech myself to my married ex." I added and I noticed Gabby bite her lip to keep herself from smiling.

"Charles, please." Rose pleaded, stepping forward to reach for Charles' arm but he backed away immediately. "I'm sorry."

"I don't want to hear any of it. Whatever delusions you have, forget them. I want you out of my life, Rose. For good."

"Are you ready?" I turned around to see Charles standing beside me, giving me a comforting smile.

"As ready as I'll ever be." From behind me, someone called my name and gestured to the stage where a podium had been set for anyone who was speaking. Different people have stood on that stage today and as the event ended, I would be the last one to speak.

"You'll do great. I'll be here if you need me." Charles leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the lips before planting a softer one on my forehead.

I gave him one last look before moving to the stage, taking a deep breath before I took the first step that would give everyone a clear view of me.

I sensed the change in the atmosphere once the host called on my name. I originally volunteered to speak for the closing remarks when I contacted Estelle, but she and the other psychologists offered to give me my own time when they read the words I wrote. Everyone settled down and I saw the journalists in attendance ready to listen in and take notes. A few Formula One fans were here as well, arms raised as they held their phones to record what I was about to say. I'm sure that whatever footage they'll have will be spreading on the internet in a few minutes.

My eyes met Gabby's as she stood in front of the crowd, feeling a sense of confidence wave through me as she nodded her head in encouragement. Mick and Max were standing on either side of her, with Mick flashing me a thumbs-up.

Taking one last breath, I glanced at the teleprompter that held the speech I had prepared, hoping that my message would put all the rumors to rest.

I also hope that this would be the final thing I needed to do to leave that night in Monza behind.

When you are a woman, there is a fear engraved in your mind.

Society fears mass shootings. Society fears hurricanes and tsunamis. Society fears the end of life.

Women fear walking alone. Women fear the near presence of a stranger. Women fear dark alleys. Women fear a group of men hanging out on the sidewalk. Women fear slight touches without permission. Women fear unwelcome eyes. Women fear intoxicated men.

We are created to survive the pain of childbirth yet why do we feel fear when it comes to these things? Why is it that whenever someone comes forward about being sexually assaulted, there is a thought buried in the minds of many about what she wore or why she was walking alone during that time? Why is it that people assume we wanted it? Is a child capable of distinguishing whether what is happening to her is right or wrong? Is a baby capable of uttering the word no?

You see us as a minority yet without us, you wouldn't survive. How do you look your mother in the eye knowing that you let your eyes maliciously look over a woman you saw walking across the street? How do you joke with your sister knowing you laugh at your friend's jokes about forcing sex upon someone? How do you care for your daughter knowing you wouldn't offer the same diligence to a woman who denies your touch?

When are we going to stop being the issue? Women wear tight clothing and they still get raped. Women wear baggy shirts and they still get raped. Women politely say no and they still get raped. Women scream to the top of their lungs and they still get raped. Women are in relationships and they still get raped.

Women live as women and they still get raped.

Year after year, day after day, we survive. Do you think that just because we keep quiet, you've already won? I was quiet for months, knowing that I could've spoken up sooner. Just because we don't speak doesn't mean we've already given up. The fact that we continue to walk, to stand, to live our lives– it's a testament to how powerful we are.

We may fear dark alleys but you don't know the defensive thoughts in our heads with each step we take. We may fear walking alone but you don't know how fast adrenaline would make us run to the nearest living person. We may fear unwelcome eyes but you don't know how we have an instinct to lift our knee without so much as a second thought.

We feel fear because we are brave. Without it, we're left with accepting the abuse and disrespect we're handed.

My name is Nadia Kaplan. I am a woman who is a victim of sexual assault. Last October of 2025, I was raped by Manuele Moretti in Italy where he cornered me into an alley alone with him, applied force as he pushed me against a concrete wall. He ignored every cry I gave as I said the word no. He forced himself into me as I said the word no. He acted as if I wanted it and came inside me as I said the word no.

Every word that came out of my mouth was no, yet to him, it was like all he heard was yes.

He took something from me that night that I will never get back. For a while, he held a power over me that required everything in me to regain back. To the people out there who think they are alone in this, you're not.

You are not alone. Be it a stranger, a friend, a family member, or the doctor you ask for help from. Wherever you are, there will always be a person who is willing to help. Wherever you are, we are with you.

Look around you. You are never alone.



Apex | Charles LeclercOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora