Chapter 16

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Surprise update!

I'm stressed as fuck with school especially since I have groupmates who are freeloaders. Ugh, I'm so tempted to drop their names when I pass the requirements

Anyway, this chapter isn't that heavy so enjoy!


January 27, 2025 - Boston

"Welcome back." Imara said as she stood by the door of my office.

Imara Patel looked like the epitome of a powerful woman. She was always dressed impeccably, shiny black hair curled into soft waves and neatly placed over her shoulder. I remember being intimidated the first time I saw her but I slowly got accustomed to how she is. Despite her intimidating aura, Imara was very kind but she only showed this side of her when you've earned the right to be on the receiving end of it.

I arrived back in Boston two days ago, bringing most of my stuff with me. The rest was left to be sold in a garage sale back in Antalya or given to charity. Mrs. Yilmaz was more than happy to help and was a bit teary-eyed when I stopped by her house before heading to the airport.

I gave Imara a small smile and stood up as she entered the room. She waved a hand and sat down on one of the chairs opposite my desk while I did the same. "How have things been since I was gone?"

"I passed your pending cases to Caroline and Elijah." She smirked when she saw my face contort in irritation at the mention of Elijah's name. In simple words, Elijah was a complete dick. He's smart but his ego was probably bigger than the entire galaxy and he's too chatty for his own good. We entered the firm at the same time and I can't even count the amount of times I've rolled my eyes at every stupid thing he says. "I was planning to give all of it to Caroline but she already has the Simmons case as well as Wallace one."

"Has she met up with Mr. Wallace's wife? She'd need a box of—"

"Tissues, yes." Imara finished for me. I was only halfway with the case when I went home to Turkey and I remember meeting Mrs. Wallace two times. The first meeting went on for three hours because she spent half the time crying so I made sure to bring a box of tissues with me the second time and to immediately move on once I see her eyes turning glassy. "Before we go over the cases I'm giving to you, there's something I need to talk to you about."

I raised an eyebrow at her as I placed my fingers over my lap, a thought that has been circling my mind the past few days coming to the surface. "I have to talk to you about something as well, but you can go first."

Imara nodded her head as she sat up straighter, the look of professionalism all over her face. "I've filed a case against Congressman Hall." My lips parted in shock as she continued to speak. "All of the elements for first-degree murder are present— malice, premeditation, and intent. It's going to be difficult to acquire the evidence knowing how he works but the fact that you were the one to put his son in jail would be enough to plant a thought with the jury."

"I—" I stuttered, completely speechless. "Why?"

"Nadia, what he did was absolutely cruel and it goes against everything we've worked hard for to let him walk around after doing that." I've never heard Imara's voice sound so cold but it comforted me to know that a lawyer with her experience and talent would be taking on the case. "I'm not asking you to work on it because that would be outright wrong, but if you want to withdraw the case then I would underst—"

"Absolutely not." I deadpanned and I could see a glint in her eyes. "He and his son should rot behind bars."

"Alright, then." She clapped her hands together and stood up, hands going over the front of her skirt to straighten it out. "I'm leading the case and I'll be handpicking the best in the firm. Now, what was it you wanted to talk about?" I pulled out the folder that I kept in my bag, housing a single piece of paper that I printed out last night. I slid the folder to Imara and she picked it up, opening it. I watched as her eyes slid across the page, her expression not giving anything away. "Are you sure?" She asked after closing the folder and holding it between her fingers.

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