Dawn your too annoying! I will never like you! 7

Depuis le début

Yoko: Jesus fuck, dude. Kelsey!

Griffin: I wanna put it on the record, I had nothing to do with that, I was keeping Kent here sane so he wouldn't murder you.

Enid: Same for me! I was keeping Bianca sane! I even told her not to do it! 

Yoko: So help me if that little stunt woke up divina I will murder your entire blood line Kelsey.

Kent: You seem to be enjoying your with my sister Tanaka.

Yoko: Put a sock in it Tuna fish.

Kent: I'm gonna-

Griffin: Easy, easy,  she just bitter like that.

Bianca: You'd think sleeping with the sweetest person we know would at least make her somewhat kinder-

Yoko: Oh my god- We didn't fucking sleep together like that! She just fell asleep on my shoulder so I laid down that way she'd be more comfortable.

Enid: So why are you still laying down holding her?

Yoko: Out, everyone out-

When I tell you everyone wanted to die the second they heard dawn, they did.

Yoko: You brought the pick me?


Dawn proceeded to grab a pillow and started hitting divina hard to the point it woke her up. Yoko immediately shoved dawn off hardly and Kelsey and griffin dragged dawn to the other side of the room and held her back.

Divina: Huh- w-what happened? Y-Yoko? Dawn? W-why does it feel like someone was hitting me?

Yoko: It's fine Divina. I'll take care of it. Just stay here with Bianca, Kent, and Enid. Kelsey, griffin. Take her outside.

Divina: Hm, okay. Just be careful.

Yoko: Oh it's not me who should be more careful.

Yoko gets out of bed and follows the other three vampires outside into the back of the school. Yoko steps in front of dawn and slaps her. Hard.

Yoko: Are you fucking crazy! You could have hurt her! Tell me what she did for you to fucking attack her while she's fucking asleep! *she slaps her again* FUCKING TELL ME  YOU BITCH!

Kelsey: Alright! Let the girl talk!

Griffin: Why should we? She clearly did that stunt for attention.

Once again dawn starts crying.


Yoko: Okay so your a psycho okay. Dawn get it through your fucking head before I break it. Dawn your too annoying! I will never like you! Not in the whole time I'm on this planet! Get this single sentence through your pea size brain. I will never love you. The person I love is divina and that isn't going to change. Drop her. Leave her here.

Griffin: Don't gotta tell me twice.

Kelsey: I second that. And dawn letting you know, she could have straight up kill you right now, your lucky she spared you.

Yoko: Leave the trash, come on.

The three ditch dawn leaving her to find her own way back. They make it back to Yoko's dorm where they see Bianca, Kent, Enid, and Divina talking. Kent was sitting in Yoko's beanbag, Enid and Bianca were sitting by the end of Yoko's bed, and Divina was still in the same spot, on Yoko's bed, sitting by the wall and leaning against Yoko's headboard trying to stay awake. Kelsey joined the girls on the floor, griffin went with Kent on the beanbag, and Yoko went back to Divina.

Yoko: Still a little tired divina?

Divina: Yea, but just a little bit..

Divina yawns and rests her head on Yoko's shoulder again

Yoko: If you're tired, you can go back to sleep. It seems like you need it, when was the last time you got a full night of sleep?

Divina: Umm, I think a few days ago? But because don't scold me on it, I was studying.

Yoko: Alright I won't, but I will say, you need to take better care of yourself.

Divina: I will, I promise.

Yoko put her arm back around Divina's waist and divina rested her head on Yoko's chest and pulled the blanket over the two of them.

Yoko: Better Divina?

Divina: Mhm.. thank you Yoko..

Divina fell asleep again, and let's just say everyone was recording the two.

- Retzi

" 𝘛𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘥𝘶𝘦 𝘶𝘴 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵" - 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 Siren and Vampire in love ♥️🩵Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant