She sat down on the couch in the living room to wait for her father to come home, humming some cocomelon songs while swinging her legs. "Mother, when will father arrive?" She turned her head towards her mother who was sitting beside her who caressed her cheeks softly.

"Soon honey, soon."

Not so long after, they heard the creaking sound of the door opened. Hyeonsoo ran towards the direction and hugged her father's leg. "Father!" She exclaimed excitably. Her father, Chwe Yejun picked her up. "Happy birthday my princess! I bought something big for you!" Yejun kissed her cheeks and raised up a big wrapped present in front of her.

"Let's blow the cake first, shall we?" Her mother, Yeo Nain smiled to both of them. They all sang together and clapped their hands the moment she blow out the candles. Her father's closest friend who is the Chief Assistant also in Narcotics Department, Lee Jaewook was also present tonight, with invitation of course.

"Make a wish!"

Closing her eyes with both of her small palms intertwined together, she prayed that her parents will be always by her side and they grow up getting older together. She also wished to become as successful as her dad in the future.

"It's time to open the presents!" Everyone was excited for what she will got. "I will open this first!" She pointed on her father's present. Her eyes widened the moment she saw the present, it was a big Barbie doll house! She ran and hugged her father. "Thank you so much!" Everyone was so immersed into the celebration that they were unaware of their surroundings.

A group of man in black jumped from the opposite wall and entered the territory. One of them signaled the others to go behind the wall and they slowly sneaked into the backyard. The person at the front peeked through the curtains and quickly straightened his back on the wall after he saw the situation inside. "They were having a celebration inside." He informed.

The one who holds the sniper positioned himself. "Did you see our target?" He nodded and aimed it right on Yejun's heart. When he pulled the trigger, an unfortunate maid walked by him making the bullet shot the wrong person. "Ah shit.." The person cursed.

The moment the shot was heard, screams echoed the whole house, the maid who had been shot laying dead on the floor. "Get Y/N and yourself out of here!" He whispered to his wife and proceed himself to check on the situation, not forgetting to call the nearest police team.

Hyeonsoo's mom pulled her into a hug while covering her with a white blanket there. "Close your ears!" Her mother ordered as she quickly obeyed, completely blurry on what's happening. Nain brought her daughter upstairs with Jaewook backing her up.

They arrived in an unfamiliar room inside the house. She got her eyes scanning the room that was made with steels, she assumed it is a bulletproof hiding place. Her mother turned to her with teary eyes. "Hyeonsoo-ah, I'm so sorry that your happy day was ruined. Things shouldn't turn out like this.." She sniffed.

"Listen to me. Remember if anything happened, mother and father will always love you alright?" Her mother kissed her crown making little Hyeonsoo furrowed her eyebrows and looked at her mom in confusion.

Nain turned to the Jaewook. "I need to help Yejun out there." She said to him. "No Ma'am! I was ordered to protect you and her!" He denied. "I will sacrifice everything in order to protect my family! Don't you dare to stop me!" She yelled taking a gun from the shelve walking out from the room leaving her alone with the Chief Assistant.

"M-Mother will come back right?" She asked as tears formed in the corner of her eyes looking at the male who let out a heavy sigh. "Promise me something young lady, don't go out from this room okay? Tom and Jerry are playing outside." He made pinky promise and earned chuckles from her when he spoke the last sentence.

Yejun's closest friend's eyes turned into sorrow while looking at her. Nobody knows who will survive from this attack later. He jolted his body and walked towards the door not forgetting to close and lock it from inside.

Now the small Hyeonsoo was all by herself in the dark and cold room. She curled herself into a ball and placed her chin on her knees while wrapping herself with her own arms. "So cold.." She mumbled. Few moments later, the place surrounded with silence. She felt curious about the situation outside.

How are her parents? Are they still alive? Questions kept popping out in her little mind. She wanted to go out, but she already promised the man earlier. She shook her head and stood up. "Promises are meant to be broke." She said to herself. She twisted the doorknob and silently went down the stairs. She let out a small gasp when she saw disperse all over the house, shattered plates and glass on the floor, and the most horrifying are dead bodies.

Some had their eyes still open while some had bloods gushing out from their mouth and all their body parts. She felt sick by looking at it. She walked inside the living room and hide behind the curtains. Finally she saw her father outside the garden.

Her father was beating a man continuously, she never saw the violence in her father because she was poured with love since she was born. The man kicked her father's stomach making him stumbled backwards. The person stood up holding out a gun while pointed at her father. "You should die! You should never disturb our business!" The person spat as he reloaded his gun.

A shot were released making her cupped her ears while closing her eyes. She slowly open her eyes and saw her father was not the one who had been shot but instead, her mother. Her eyes widened and cupped her mouth while tears poured out from her eyes. "Mother.." She cried at the sight. Her father brought her mother to his embrace. "No.. NO!!!!" He shouted and wailed in agony on his wife's dead body. He got up with hatred and enraged feelings growing in his heart.


He lunged towards the guy and punched the guy until he is bleeding. But his action was stopped the moment he felt a sharp pain on his chest, a bullet went right into his heart. He placed his hands on it and coughed bloods. Soon enough he fell on the grass and never woke up again.

Hyeonsoo witnessed everything with her two innocent eyes. She can't let out any words from her mouth, totally distress by the sight of her parent's death. She was about to approach her parents but someone picked her up while cupping her mouth. She squirmed and kicked her legs in the air to get out.

She was placed on the seat inside a black van. "LET ME GO! I WANT FATHER AND MOTHER!" She shouted while her tears streaming down her eyes non-stop. "We need to get you to somewhere safe!"

She noticed each of the person in the car had bruises and wounds on their body. One of them pulled her into a hug caressing her back. "I promised your father to take care of you until my last breath, Hyeonsoo. I will never forget his help towards me." He said to her making her wailed more.

"I will get justice on your death mother, father." The words ticked in her heart. Starting from that day, she become a whole different person. She swear to herself, she will find and kill the person who were behind all of this with her bare hands.

Even if she had to sacrifice herself, she gladly will.

[5] NARCISSUS : CHASEWhere stories live. Discover now