When You Are Diagnosed With Social Anxiety

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When you are diagnosed with Social Anxiety.

TW: Idk it might be uncomfortable for some people so please if you don't feel comfortable then don't read and skip this!


He's also anxious and shy person but he hasn't got Social Anxiety.

When he heard that you are diagnosed with it, he took it seriously and never laughed about it or your insecurities.

He tries to heal your insecurities slowly<3

He tries not to take you to places where there are many people because he knows forcing you to interact with people won't help you or heal you so he takes you to places where you feel comfortable<3

He compliments you a lot and will spend the whole day telling you how special, beautiful and amazing you are❤️


He doesn't know exactly how to help you because you see, comforting people isn't really something he's used to but he tries his best.

He concentrates on getting rid of your insecurities and trying to rise your self-esteem.

He doesn't take you to places where you feel uncomfortable.

No one criticises you, calls you names or points out your insecurities. If they will, they will regret that they were born + they messed with you. (Even if you don't have Social Anxiety, he will do it.)

Buys you tons of gifts, beautiful dresses and clothes and tells you how beautiful and lovely you look<3

Will sit down and gives you 5626363673552726635444262108527647727572454282572526252792825282526523626456253725275382200994835527225615272th reason why you are amazing, lovely, cute, beautiful.


Will kill anyone who says something bad or something that makes you uncomfortable about you. (It's a canon in every way.)

He likes going to expensive and crowded places but since you are uncomfortable, he will take you to places where you feel comfortable<3

If his subordinates make you uncomfortable, he might not hesitate to kill them.

He tries his best to heal your insecurities<3

You can tell him everything and vent to him, he always comforts you best.

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