When You're On Your Period

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Will panic.

He will buy you sweets and cuddle with you.

Might ask someone from the agency for an advice (just hope it's not Dazai)

Won't mind your mood swings, even if you're mad at him, he doesn't mind it.

Ask you if you need anything else such as pads or tampons but he will be soo shy about asking it.

If your stomach hurts he will panic again, starts to cry and cuddles with you. Saying sorry randomly.


Shameless about it but won't make you uncomfortable.

He will buy you tampons and pads with Kunikida's money.

Will cuddle with you a lot (he always does but still).

If you will get angry at him, he will give you puppy eyes and act like he's about to cry.

Buys you chocolates, sweets, chips, snacks, fruits (with Kunikida's money) and lot of things that you want.

Will get concerned if your stomach hurts, even tho he knows it happens during that time, so he will rub your stomach gently while cuddling with you.

Will tell you funny stories to make you laugh.


Will make sure no one upsets you.

He shares his snacks with you.

Cuddles with you the whole day and whispers sweet things and funny things in your ear.

Will make sure to make you laugh a lot.

If your stomach is hurting he will STOP EATING HIS SNACKS and cuddles with you, kissing your cheek and forehead a lot.

Sends Atsushi to buy tampons or pads for you.


He's gentleman. He will buy you every thing you need.

Not really cuddling person but fine, he will cuddle with you.

Your mood swings can be a little bit annoying to him but he's trying his best and understands you.

He reads that girls eat chocolates a lot when they're on their that time of month so he will buy you a lot of chocolates.

Massages you.


Another gentleman. He respects women and understands how hard period can be for them.

He will buy you EVERYTHING you need. (Probably Gin helped him with a thing or two)

Cuddles with you a lot and kisses every part of your body.

Like Dazai, he will rub your stomach really gently if you're hurting too much. He will also kiss your stomach gently like the pain will go away.

He always compliments you but at this time of month he will do it more often.

Ofc he will keep you safe.

Makes sure you won't get upset by someone.


Goofy about it.

Will cuddle with you and make yo mama jokes.

Buys you whatever you need.

Sings for you.

He's sweeter than anyone can expect.

He will crack dark jokes but will stop immediately since he doesn't wamt you to feel uncomfortable.

You feel extremely loved, that's for sure.

No one upsets you and lives. (It's not only when you're on your period).

Kisses your stomach a lot and tickle you sometimes.

Tries to make you embarrassed but probably fails.

He will dramatically panic if your stomach hurts and call Fyodor for advice.

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