Yakushima Vacation Plan

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Front of Naganaki Shrine

Ken Amada just finished visiting his mother's grave and it's time for him to go back home until Dark Hour occurred.

"Shoot! It's already midnight and the dorm's closed! Great, where will I sleep now." Ken shrugs as he is walking away from the shrine. 

"I hope I can see the lady who saved me again..." He said as he took Minako's 2 year old cloak inside his bag.

"Without her help... I could be dead." Ken sighed. 

"I wonder where she is now? I might see her in another time." Ken thought. Suddenly, he felt an eerie aura walking near the shrine and he saw a giant shadow coming in his direction which made him shocked.

"That shadow!!!" Ken gasped in fear. Suddenly, Minako appeared and punched the shadow away from Ken and she approached him. 

"Ken!?!? Can you hear me?" Minako asked which shocked Ken and suddenly hugged her.

"I-It's you! Y-You came back!!!" Ken smiled and cried. Minako smiled and hugged Ken back.

"Listen to me... I want you to have this... You'll be needing that..." Minako said and gave him an Evoker which shocked Ken.

"I-Is this!?!?!?! This is illegal!!! People might suspect me!" Ken said.

"Think of it as a lucky charm..." Minako said. Suddenly, Ken heard a voice which shocked him.

"It's time..." The voice inside Ken's head echoed as Ken pointed the gun to his chest.

"NEMESIS!!!" Ken screamed and pulled the trigger. Then, his Persona, Nemesis, appeared behind him and attacked the giant shadow.

"You did it..." Minako whispered. Then, Ken went towards Minako to hug her.

"I DID IT!!! I DEFEATED THE SHADOW THAT KILLED MY MOM!" Ken smiled which shocked Minako remembering what really happened to his mom. But, Minako smiled in relief to make Ken happy. Suddenly, Ken passed out and she caught him from falling.

"You did great, Ken... Now, it's time to get some rest." Minako said and carried him home to his apartment before she head home.

Command Room

Minako head to the dorm through the roof to head to the Command Room. As she head to the Command Room, she saw Ikutsuki lying on the ground drunk.

"This old man reeks of alcohol..." She thought. Then, she returned the flash drive to his desk and left before someone caught her.

"AHA!!! I NEED TO FINISH EDITING THAT VIDEO!!!" Ikutsuki said which made Minako hid by the stairs.

"IT MUST BE CHANGED THAT IT WAS EICHIRO'S FAULT REGARDING THIS INCIDENT 10 YEARS AGO!" Ikutsuki said which made Minako grin in expectation.

"I knew he would do it..." Minako thought and head back to her room. Suddenly, he heard Ikutsuki's voice from her room.


"Sh!t... This is bad... If he sees me, he will thought that I'm the person who saved him... I must act normal when dealing with this kid." Minako thought and went back to bed.

July 13, 2009


Everyone arrived home from school and had an awkward meeting in the dining while Minako is cooking dinner for them.

Persona 2: Journey (Persona Series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ