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May 9, 2009

Dark Hour

Akihiko, Mitsuru, and Minako were at the command room checking the whereabouts of the Shadow. As expected, Minako's Priestess Arcana Card glowed and showed that the Shadow appeared.

"I got the signal! Minako is right... The shadow is really inside the Monorail." Mitsuru said.

"Great! About time for action! I'll go and get the others." Akihiko said and rung the alarm, resulting the three to arrive.

"We're here!!!" Yukari said.

"So, another shadow arrived huh!?!?! Time to kick some butts!!!" Junpei said with excitement.

"Yes, it's a shadow. It shows that it appears to be controlling the monorail." Mitsuru said.

"Then, we have to get there first..." Makoto said.

"I agree. You three go first, give me time to prepare." Mitsuru said.

"I'll stay here until the Chairman arrives home." Minako said.

"In that case, I'll stay with Minako. I'm still injured, so I can't help you." Akihiko said.

"Alright. Let's roll!!!" Junpei said and started running. As Yukari followed Junpei, Minako held her brother's hand.

"There's a chance that Junpei will froze from fighting it. Take care of them." Minako whispered and Makoto nodded until he left.

"Good Luck, Brother..." Minako thought. Suddenly, Minako felt a headache and Akihiko saw her holding her head, so he decided to check on her.

"You alright, Minako?" He asked.

"Yeah... It's just this headache just can't stop." Minako said.

"If you need to rest, it's alright. I'll stay here to check their status." Akihiko said.

"Then, I'll go to my room for a bit, Aki." Minako said and he nodded then kissed her forehead.

"Rest well, Minako..." Akihiko smiled and head back to the control panel. Then, Minako sneakily wet her room, took her cloak and head to the roof.

"I'll be back, Aki..." She thought as she wore her hood and left. As she left, Akihiko appeared from the door and saw Minako going to the Station.

"I guess you really do care about helping others, right Love?" Akihiko smiled and stared at her from afar.

Iwatodai Station

Makoto, Yukari, and Junpei are now waiting for Mitsuru at the station. 

"She's never late when it comes to missions. Where is she?" Yukari asked. Then, Mitsuru arrived riding a motorcycle.

"Senpai." Makoto called.

"Sorry, I'm late. Shall we start the mission?" Mitsuru asked and Makoto nodded.

"W-What's with the motorcycle, Senpai?" Junpei asked.

"It's created by the Kirijo Group. Enough with that, let's start the mission. You guys need to walk on the rails going to the monorail where the shadow is." Mitsuru said.

"Alright." Makoto replied and the three went to the station.


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