The Missing Student

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Meanwhile Elsewhere...

Minako received a phone call from Shinjiro about Jin Shirato, which made her shocked.

"A guy waiting at the dorm? Who is it?" Minako asked.

"That guy's name is Takaya Sakaki. He's one of Jin's companions desperate for the pill and looking for answers about the tower appearing during the Dark Hour. And I'm sure he needs information about you guys." Shinjiro said.

"Then, he might be at the dorm..." Minako said and Shinjiro nodded.

"Better go there before he kills someone." He said. Minako nodded and left.

"Be careful, Sister-in-law." Shinjiro whispered.

Iwatodai Dorm

Ikutsuki and Akihiko already received Mitsuru's report that the Shadow is defeated. So, Akihiko is waiting for them at the front of the dorm as ordered by Ikutsuki.

"Akihiko-senpai!" Junpei and Yukari greeted.

"Welcome back." Akihiko greeted.

"Did the Chairman asked you to wait outside?" Mitsuru asked.

"Yeah. He said that before he left." Akihiko replied.

"Alright. We can head inside and rest now." Mitsuru said and the three nodded. As they were about to head inside the dorm, they saw an unfamiliar cloaked figure standing at the dorm.

"Senpai, who's that?" Junpei asked.

"Wait! Is that the Wild Card Princess?" Yukari asked.

"Not sure... But I need to find out." Mitsuru said and slowly approached the cloaked figure. Suddenly, the cloaked figure holds a gun which made Akihiko and Mitsuru shocked.

"MITSURU!!!" Akihiko screamed which made the man pull the trigger. Suddenly, an invisible shield appeared and protected Mitsuru from a gunshot.

"You alright?" Another cloaked figure appeared beside Mitsuru which made her recognize the voice.

"Wild Card Princess?" Mitsuru called and she nodded.

"Alice." The Wild Card Princess said and her Persona, Alice, appeared beside her.

"W-Wild Card Princess!!!" Junpei called. Suddenly, the cloaked man with a gun ran away from them.

"Minako..." Akihiko thought to himself.

"Thank you for saving us, Wild Card Princess. I hope there's a way for me to repay your kindness." Mitsuru said.

"You don't have to repay me. I'm just doing what's right. I'm on your side, along with the Immortal Prince." She replied and patted her shoulder, then disappeared in midair.

"S-Shall we head inside?" Mitsuru asked and the four nodded, then head inside.


Dark Hour has passed, Akihiko is staying on the lounge until Minako arrived on the front door.

"Aki..." Minako whispered. Then, Akihiko hugged her very tight.

"I'm glad you're okay..." Akihiko whispered.

"I just need to make sure that no one will notice me with my cloak on." Minako said.

"Say, who is the guy with a gun?" Akihiko asked.

"That guy is Takaya Sakaki. The pale guy with Jin. He is looking for answers about the tower. And about the pill that we drank." Minako answered.

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