She pulled back a grin. Her jaw twitching from the effort because she was there that day. She was on a short assignment that only lasted two days before she needed to leave Prythian, but she was there and saw it happen. While all the time she was standing only a metre away. And neither of them had noticed. It wasn't easy seeing him again after centuries, but she was happy he looked healthy and good. With Beron as a father, you never knew what would come of them. But she sure was going to drop that ball when she reached Velaris, when she would meet the shadowsinger. She was still curious as to why Rhys asked for her, since he had his own spymaster.

She must've been lost in thought because when she focussed back on the two males in front of her, they were talking about something completely else. When she heard Eris ask Helion if he ever visited the Autumn Court, she wanted to kick his legs. But Helion was a very observant male and would notice it without a doubt.

Helion looked at Eris for a moment, seeing the likeness he had with his mother. His eyes were sad. She thought about Lirone, about her being miserable with Beron for centuries, about the bruises she thought nobody noticed. But she did, not so long ago she found out. And it made her blood boil, so angry that she never noticed what was going on. That her sons never saw it. She didn't know how, but Beron would pay for it, even if he showed her any kindness left in him. She didn't hear the rest of the conversation as she thought about ways to punish the High Lord. She was pulled out of her thoughts when Helion spoke to her.

"What are you daydreaming about, Gen?" He purred.

"About how to destroy my enemies." She shrugged. He laughed, tossing his head back. She glanced to Eris, but his seat was empty.

"He's gone upstairs to pack his things."


"What's going on with you two?" He asked a little to curiously to her liking.

"Nothing." She sighed. "Just old history that should stay in the past." She waved him off.

He shook his head. "He smiled, Gen! Smiled! That male never smiles. I didn't think he had the muscles in his face to do it." Then he added quietly. "He has his mother's smile." He clamped his mouth shut, his eyes wide. Like he said something he should have never spoken about out loud.

She leaned forward and rested her hand on his, giving it a squeeze. She knew she could speak freely because this room had enough enchantments on it, people from the outside wouldn't hear if a bomb dropped in the room. Thank gods, Eris had shut the door behind him.

"Don't give up on her, Helion. She still loves you. With everything in her."

"Who?" He croaked even though he tried to look at ease, leaning back in his chair.

She gave him a half smile. "Do you want to know why I don't accept your advances? Because Lirone is like my second mother. She helped raise me. So, it would be super weird to hook-up with you."

"That makes more sense than you not finding me handsome." He offered her a smile, but it didn't reach it eyes.

"If you didn't have any history with her, it would've happened a long time ago, High Lord." She joked. "But please, don't give up on her. She's just scared."

"How do you know?" She knew he wasn't asking about her being scared because he knew what kind of male Beron was. She doubted he knew about him being physically abusive, but he knew enough. She knew he didn't ask about how she knew about their history. He just wanted to know how she knew that Lirone still loved him.

"She has a little portrait of you. She hides it in a hidden compartment but takes it out often. I've found her crying over it once, she told me everything."

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