Chapter Two

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Finally getting to the studio, Richard finds that he's just in no mood whatsoever to take part in what they need to be doing. So as they gather in the portakabin at the track in Dunsfold, going over the filming schedule for the day, Richard just doesn't pay much attention to any of what's being said.

Which in hindsight, is probably not a good thing, but at the time, he just doesn't find himself caring. His mind is just far too busy elsewhere to focus on anything that they're supposed to be doing for the day.

And god, is he beginning to get a bit of a migraine now....

At least it gives him an excuse to sit out of things.

"Are you sure you're okay?" James asks, as he takes a seat on the sofa next to him, handing him a couple painkillers and a glass of water. "You don't look like your usual self."

Richard sighs, grabbing the water and pills from James, before downing both. "I'm fine, James."

Because he is technically fine. He's just... pregnant. And he doesn't know what to do about it.

And he also just doesn't like people worrying about him all the time. Sure, he's given them a good reason to, in the form of the dragster crash, and all the other times he crashed, both scripted and unscripted. But god, does he hate having everyone worry about him all the fucking time like he's made of glass.

James sighs, wrapping an arm around Richard' shoulders as he pulls the omega in close to him. Trying to give his sick omega as much comfort as he can. Although, considering the fact that he doesn't even know what is wrong with Richard currently aside from one of his usual migraines, he doesn't have much idea on what to do to help him.

"You know you don't have to hide anything from Jeremy and me, Richard." He says. "If there's something wrong, then you can tell us. You don't have to hide your hurt from us."

"I know." Richard sighs, resting his head on James's shoulder. "And I'm fine, I promise. Just a little... under the weather, I guess."

It's a half truth, and it seems to satisfy James for the time being. But Richard is almost certain that James, and very likely Jeremy, will bring the subject back up once they get home later tonight.

And he's not looking forward to that at all....

He doesn't know how he's supposed to bring up the pregnancy to them, a pregnancy that none of them have ever discussed wanting and that he himself is rather afraid of, and of course he wants them to know about it. There's no chance that he won't not tell them. He's just... afraid. Afraid to tell them.

"Okay." James nods, kissing the side of his forehead. "You just get some rest in here, and you can come back out and join us when you feel up to it." He says. "And we'll both be outside if you need anything, or start to feel worse so we can take you home."

Richard nods, shifting around to give James a quick kiss, before letting the beta leave to go back out and join everyone else outside.

He does feel bad for setting back filming a little, but he can't help it. And it's not the first time filming has been set back because of him, and unfortunately, it won't be the last. And usually when he doesn't feel well, he more often than not just ignores it, until James, Jeremy, or even Wilman makes him go sit out before he starts to feel worse.

Curse the lasting worry from the damn dragster crash....

Moving down on the sofa so he's lying across it, he frowns, as he lifts his shirt up, exposing his still relatively flat stomach. Where he places a hand across his abdomen just below his belly button.

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