Chapter One

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He can't bear to look at the test. Doesn't want it to be true. But it is true. Very, very much true. The positive test is clear enough.

He's pregnant with James or Jeremy's kid.


They've not been seeing one another for very long (at least in a way that's more than friends, because they've been friends for years now), and it really hasn't even been that long since his split from Mindy either. And now he's fucking pregnant.

Fucking shit....

It's not like they can't afford this child, because they very much can. They're in no way strapped for cash. But they're not exactly young men. Him being early forties, and both James and Jeremy in their early fifties. That's not exactly the age bracket they'd have ever considered having kids at.

Not to mention their busy work schedules with Top Gear....

And really, even though he knows that he is still very much capable of becoming pregnant, it's not something that he really fancied doing. He may be an omega, and very much built for this (even more so being that he's one of the lucky ones with both sets of genitalia), but pregnancy terrifies him. Which is precisely why Mindy was the one to carry both Izzy and Willow, and not him.

There's also the fact that he, James, and Jeremy had no intentions of ever having kids together. Or at least any more kids in his and Jeremy's case. James gave the impression of just not wanting any (of his own) at all, and being completely fine with being a stepfather to his and Jeremy's older kids.

And both Richard and Jeremy were completely fine with that arrangement. The three of them didn't need to have kids together. The arrangement they had was fine, and Jeremy's kids, Emily, Finlo, and Katya, and Richard's kids, Isabella and Willow all love James (Izzy in particular practically adores him), and that had always been enough for James.

But now.... Now he's pregnant, and he's got to somehow break the news to his alpha and beta.

He is really not looking forward to that at all. But it must be done.

He's not sure he's looking forward to their reactions to the news.... He's quite worried about James's reaction in particular, even though he knows very well that he's probably just being a little too paranoid.

Their reactions to the news won't be terrible, he's sure of it. But there's still that nagging fear in the back of his mind that they'll react badly to the news, and unfortunately that fear is very much overpowering everything else.

A knock at the bathroom door and James calling out, asking him if he's okay and what's taking him so long in there pulls him out of his thoughts.

Cleaning himself up a little, he wraps the test up in some toilet paper, and hides it away at the bottom of the cupboards under the sink. He'll figure out some other time to break the news to them. He's not ready to tell them just yet.

He just hopes that they don't end up finding the test themselves....

"Are you alright?" James asks, as soon as Richard opens the door.


"Yeah, I'm fine." Richard lies.

James doesn't look too convinced, but thankfully he doesn't comment on it. "Well, hurry up, will you?" He asks. "Jezza is already waiting out by the car."

Right. They've got to head to the studio to do a bit of filming....

"Yes, yes, I'm coming." He says.

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