The fiery glow of the sunrise sets the leaves ablaze in golds and reds, reaching tall towards the sky. The heady aroma of forest herbs mingles with the sweet scent of ripe apples wafting from the gardens strewn across the area, the first signs of the upcoming autumn cold palpable all around. Despite the calm and serenity permeating everything around me, my thoughts flit chaotically, seeking a plan to rescue us from the impending troubles.

After half an hour, we arrive in a quaint village, where Isabel's parents reside. The small yard of their brick house is adorned with apple trees, their lush green leaves and myriad of colorful fruits scattered across the freshly cut grass. As we approach the porch, Isabel's father, Samuel, a man in his sixties with a square face and piercing eyes, greets us with a solemn expression. His countenance is grave, and it is evident that he has heard of the accident, yet his visage remains stoic, displaying no hint of emotion.

"What a sight!" he exclaims, his eyes widening as he rushes towards the car wreck. "Are you all alright?" he asks anxiously, his legs carrying him as fast as they can.

Upon seeing Alex's injuries, he gasps in concern, "Oh my, you're hurt!"

"I'm fine," mutters Alex irritably. "Just a scratch from hitting a tree while escaping the fire. The tree, however, seems to have taken some damage!" he jokes.

After pulling Alex into a tight embrace, visibly relieved to see that he is relatively unharmed, Samuel turns to greet the other family members and then us. Alex takes over the introductions, and with that, Samuel leads us through a long, dark hallway until we finally arrive at a warm and inviting kitchen.

"While this isn't the best time for a meeting, welcome home!" beams Samuel with a warm smile, settling us around the cozy table in the spacious room, complete with wide windows that let in a warm and comforting light.

Isabel's mother, Amanda, is a slender woman in her sixties, with high cheekbones that give her a youthful appearance.

"Oh my goodness! I've already heard about what happened!" She chirps, wiping her hands on her apron before enveloping all of us in a warm embrace. "I called you a dozen times. Your phone must have exploded," she chides her daughter lovingly.

"But I don't even know where it is," Isabel throws up her hands in exasperation.

"Never mind, dear. You've been through so much already. Go clean up and let's have breakfast! Look at this mess everywhere! I've been busy making apple jam all these days," her smile merging into a soft, kind chuckle.

"Pray tell, who might these young folks be?" She queries, looking at me and Gabriela and gently laying a crisp white tablecloth atop the smooth wooden surface, with a subtle hint of delight gracing her composed lips.

Alex makes the introductions and hastily mentions that I must leave urgently due to a pressing engagement.

"Ah, but do consider extending your stay by a day! The scenery here is utterly breathtaking- you must see the waterfalls!" Amanda implores, sitting up straight and eager to convince me.

"Indeed, I tried to persuade him to no avail. He is not easily swayed," Alex interjects, rushing to my side, perhaps anticipating that I may let slip an unwarranted detail.

I nod in agreement, murmuring, "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, miss..." but falter.

"Simply Amanda will suffice," she chimes in with a warm smile.

She quickly prepares a sumptuous breakfast for us, complete with cheese, fluffy waffles, and a generous helping of homemade apple jam. The delightful aroma of fresh apples and sweet honey, mingled with several other tempting scents, tantalizes our senses, evoking a deep feeling of hunger.

Post breakfast and grieving for the lost belongings, I retreat to the guest room to catch some sleep as the crucial evening looms ahead. All is resolved - tonight, I shall perform a ritual and release myself from the torments of the malevolent entity.

Assuming the responsibility of fetching the required inventory, Alex vows to acquire even the most elusive components, including the black candles and silver-framed mirror. He pledges to take me back to Pine Hollow by ten in the evening, and urges me to rest until then after enduring several nights of insomnia. Seizing the chance, I promptly recline on the plush feather pillow, and drift into a peaceful slumber.

In my sleep, I am plagued by a strange dream. I find myself sprawled on the ground amidst a gloomy forest, gazing up at the blue sky. Startled, I rise to my feet and discern a slender path snaking its way towards Gabriela's village. Despite the eerie sensation of an imperceptible entity lurking around, I hasten along the trail, steadfastly avoiding the urge to look behind me. Eventually, the scorched walls of houses with disintegrating windows loom into view, starkly contrasting with the vivid sky. The air brims with a misty sheen, thickened by bits of ash and debris suspended in its wake. Every house lies in ruins, the livestock lay lifeless, and the village is reduced to a soot-covered wasteland. As I tread through the deathly calm street, I catch a glimpse of something bright flitting near the water tower, the same one that I had spotted from our acquaintances' abode.

With a sluggish pace, I make my way towards the water tower, trampling over the disheveled vegetable plantation blanketed with a thick layer of soot. Just before reaching it, my path is obstructed by a lean, bedraggled man attired in worn and grubby rags, who appears to be searching for someone behind the tower. His eyes gleam in a curious and inexplicable frenzy. Upon catching a glimpse of me, he instantly presses his index finger against his lips, forcefully signaling me to halt in my tracks.

I remain immobile, anticipating and observing as the bewildering gentleman mumbles softly under his breath. Gradually, I realize that it is Gabriela's grandparent, Hall Stone. Snippets of his monologue permeate my consciousness: "It will come... it will find..." Soon enough, the words grow clearer and incessant. Unwittingly, I advance towards him and extend my hand to touch his shoulder. Yet, he seems bewitched, and continues to mutter those very same phrases, oblivious of my presence lurking behind him. Abruptly, he whirls around and fixes his gaze upon me with a frenzied, vacant expression, his stare seeming to pierce straight through me.

"Pray tell, sir, are you evading someone?" I inquire of him, gesticulating with my hand before his eyes. The stranger stares at me with a shrill and unnerving gaze, inducing a sense of deep unease within me. Undeterred, I repeat my query, only for the tranquil stranger to creak his head sideways and unveil a chilling grin. In a split second, he leaps towards me and clamps his teeth onto my hand, inducing me to yelp in agony.

I bolt awake abruptly, my own ear-piercing shriek resonating down to my very core. The foreign room seems to only heighten my dread. As I inspect my hand, I perceive a throbbing bruise, etched with indentations reminiscent of teeth marks. Thrusting myself out of bed, I sprint towards the door, and nearly crash into Alex at the threshold.

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