Cryptid Bloodmoon x Witch Reader

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BM is a Skinwalker.

You've known BM since you were in middle school and you're the only human they're extremely close with.

You walk home after a long day. Hearing people talk about another cryptid along the way.

Sighing as you enter your home, you feel like you probably should check out what everyone was talking about. It could be nothing, but it's worth looking into.

You think about it and decide to look into it in the morning, you're tired and just wanna wash up, eat and then go to bed. You've had a long day.

--------The Next Day

The first thing you hear isn't your alarm like you thought you would, but to whining. You open your eyes to see Bloodmoon standing over you. "Hey bud. How's it going?"

BM kisses your cheek in response and you chuckle, but stop when you notice why they're acting a little more friendly then normal.

You look into their eyes after a bit of thinking and smile, getting undressed. They're very happy that you're doing so, climbing on top of you almost immediately after your underwear comes off.

You give them consent and they goes at you for about an hour.

Afterwards, you try to get up to go to the bathroom, but end up collapsing. They catch you and ask "Is there something you need?"

Nodding you respond "The bathroom" which results in you being carried there

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