Mer Lunar x Reader

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You just spent 4 hours just to get to the beach. You did so to meet with your mermaid friends... Well mainly Lunar. You love him and can't stop thinking about him.

Once you get there and get out of the car, you get your towel and then head down to the cave that you normally meet them at.

Getting on your phone when you don't see them, going to play your [F/G](Favorite game), but feel something hit you. When you look over you see Lunar standing there. Looking down, you notice a sea sponge. You look back at him and then go over and sit near him, putting your phone away.

You both talk for awhile, while waiting for the others.

*"They did tell me they would be an hour or two late... Maybe we can hang out at my home for a while"

"I would love to" That said, Lunar grabs you and says *"Hold your breathe" which you do just before you both go under the water.

It takes only a few minutes to get there.

He lets you go once in his home and pulls himself out of the water. Dragging himself over to you as you find a nice place to sit.

You look at him and go to speak, but before you can, he presses his lips against yours. You're surprised by this, but after a few seconds, close your eyes and kiss back.

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