"Oh! Austin!" Hailey calls his attention. Both Austin and Lux look over and then watch her attempt a sexy walk toward Austin. Lux bites her snort back. When Hailey reaches him she leans over slowly, her lips in a seductive pout, then she sticks her fingers in her mouth and pulls out a piece of chewed-up chewing gum. "Gum will last longer," she breathes then pushes it into Austin's shocked mouth. "You are welcome, Jessica has more if you need it," she whispers and walks away.

Austin looks at Pete, Harry, and Dre who are shoving their faces into each other in an attempt to hide their laughing. Then he turns to look at Lux who has sucked her lips in, her eyes big as she shakes her head. That was just not right, but it was beautiful - Lux thinks she is going enjoy the bridesmaid's attempts at catching Austin's heart. Austin's brain starts working again and he chucks the gum overboard. "What the fuck just happened?" he says wiping his lips. "I would tell you but those are my bitches," Lux says throwing the box of mints in the air. Austin catches them with a confused face.

The boat speeds out into the open waters and with each bump and sway of the boat Austin gets greener and greener. Sweat also breaks out on his brow and you best believe Hailey is right there with a cool face cloth to soothe his hot face.  "Poor baby," she coos, "Jess, come help me, sit on his lap and hold this-"

"No! Please...no," Austin groans then turns around and vomits off the side of the boat. Jessica and Hailey take a step closer but Austin holds up his finger while his head is still over the side of the boat. "Girls...thank you, but please give a guy some space," he gets out before he vomits again. "Don't lean on me," Lux says pushing him away. "Don't fuck with me right now, Lux," he groans before he vomits again. Pete passes her a bottle of water that she takes, opens, and starts sipping. "That was for Austin," Pete says. Lux shrugs and takes another sip. "He is busy," she says then laughs when Austin's hand reaches out blindly and takes the water bottle from her, downing it. This has been her favorite activity so far.

Eventually, the boat stops and they drop anchor. People start standing up and getting ready to dive. Lux finds a wetsuit in her size and starts squeezing herself into it. "What are you doing?" Demi asks from behind her. Lux spins around to find both Demi and Shawn looking at her with disapproving faces. "Diving..." Lux points out the obvious. "Not without Austin," Shawn says. "He is dying on the bench over there. Don't think he is up for it," Lux says pointing to Austin who is now flat on his back on the bench they were sitting on.

"The activities are in pairs. Go and help him or not diving."

"He is a grown-ass man."

"Partners! Or no diving!" Demi says sternly. "Ooh, that's hot babe," Shawn says grabbing her. "You like that?  That my don't fuck with mommy's voice," Demi giggles and then lets Shawn shove his tongue down his throat. "I hope you never have children. Disgusting," Lux says and then walks over to Austin. He is still lying down with his arm over his eyes. "You are dramatic," Lux snips. "Leave me alone. I can't deal with..." he lifts his other hand and waves it in Lux's direction, "this," he croaks out. He sounds like shit. Lux digs in her bag and pulls out a tick-tack then opens a water bottle. "Sit up and take this pill it will help with your seasickness," she says. Austin pulls himself up and pops the tick-tack into his mouth washing it down with the water.

"What pill was that?"

"Antihistamine, ecstasy, or a hormone pill. We will find out soon."

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Do you still feel seasick?"

"Well, no because I am now fucking stressed about what you gave me!"

"So it worked then. Get up," Lux says turning around and walking to the wetsuits. Austin trudges to the wet suits too and finds one in his size then squeezes into it. They get an oxygen tank each and then join the rest of the family at the back of the boat while the instructor gives them a demonstration. Austin starts smacking his lips together next to her, Lux looks at him and then he stops, he starts again when she looks away. "What the fuck are you doing? Stop that," Lux hisses. "Ecstasy gives me cotton mouth," he says and smacks his lips together again. Lux elbows him in the ribs. "It's not ecstasy, I was just fucking with you," Lux hisses. "Then it must have been a hormonal pill because I feel like crying from your fucking elbow in my ribs," Austin whispers. "It was a fucking tick-tack," Lux hisses then looks at Austin who is now grinning with the tick-tack held in his front teeth. He makes a show of crushing it. "I know you, Lux, and I know what a fucking tick-tack looks like," he chuckles then walks forward to the edge of the boat. This bastard.

The waters are amazing and the sea life is phenomenal. Also, no one can talk or bug her because they are all underwater. She hopes for a shark or two to carry off a few family members and Austin, but a girl can't be too greedy with her spoils so she settles for just swimming around the cove and letting the sweet little fish dance between her fingers when she puts her hand out. She feels a tap on her shoulder and when she turns she sees Austin motioning at her to follow him. She swims behind him and then he points down at the sea bed. She looks down but can't see anything and shrugs at him. He rolls his eyes and swims down then touches the sand lightly and suddenly a huge stingray shoots out from under a thin layer of sand and swims away while they watch.

She swims next to Austin as they move around the cove, ducking in and out of small underwater caves and stopping to look at a big pink and green fish swim by. She has a moment of weakness, grabbing onto Austin's arm when a long blue and yellow sea snake swims by. A huge bubble escapes Austin's mouthpiece when he laughs at her. Then he points up and when Lux looks up she sees a group of sea turtles swim by, there must be at least twenty of them. They do see a shark but Lux is happy it does not carry Austin off because she is attached to his back and using him as a shield. She is nervous after that and indicates to Austin to go back to the boat but he shakes his head and takes her hand then they swim hand in hand around the section of the cove they had not explored yet. They find an octopus and watch as it catches a fish and slowly eats it. Austin does not let go of her hand and she does not pull it away. It means nothing. There was a shark.

They pop up to the surface two hours later. Austin helps her back into the boat and then helps her take off her mask that is suctioned onto her face then his own. The dive had been nice, peaceful and although she will never admit it she liked being close to Austin without the threat of a fight looming. "Turn around," Austin mumbles then unzips her wetsuit, the feeling of his fingers tracing her lower back does not go unnoticed. Damit. She unzips him then walks to her bag and grabs her towel. "One point to Lux," Petra whispers with a wink and a smile as she walks past. It meant nothing. There was a fucking shark.

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