Touch down like a seven-four-seven

205 22 16

Another day 

Another life 

Passes by just like mine 

It's not complicated

Another mind 

Another soul 

Another body to grow old 

It's not complicated

My eyelids fluttered open, the mesmerising images of you slowly fading away, being replaced by the dark red curtains of my room. It was just another thursday morning. Misses Green watered her flowers, as she hummed along to a familiar tune. Her kids were playing on the swings, giggling uncontrollably. The sun shone, the birds were singing, the sky was blue. It's not complicated, right? It is, I thought, sighing. It's so hard to get up in the morning without you, knowing I won't be greeted by your smile. It's so hard to breath without you, knowing you don't do that anymore. I wish I could stay here all day, my gaze pointed at the dark red curtains, remembering you. Remembering how the colour matched your hair, when it laid all over the white pillows. Your hazel eyes would be closed, your pink lips slightly parted. But that was okay, 'cause I'd see your beautiful orbs again, you'd open your eyes again.

Do you ever wonder if stars shine out for you 

Float down 

Like autumn leaves 

Hush now 

Close your eyes before the sleep 

And you're miles away 

And yesterday you were here with me

I dragged myself out of bed, the sunlight hurting my eyes. My footsteps made soft noises on the wooden floor, but they sounded so lonely. Apart from them, my breathing was the only thing breaking the silence. My eyes had dark bags underneath them, caused by a lack of sleep. Sleep reminded me of you, you sleep forever. Each night, I would go outside and gaze at the stars. They were so beautiful, just like you. They were miles away, but they still managed to warm people's hearts all over the planet, just like you. Some of them had already died, though their lights stayed with us a little longer. Remember when we sat on the roof together? You said you were cold, wanting nothing but my arms to warm you. I told you that those yellow things who lit up the dark sky, were actually shining for you. You tilted your head so it was resting on my shoulder. You shuddered when a sudden breeze lifted up your red locks. I can still remember every single detail. Right then and right there, I told you that I loved you. I love you still.

I continued my way, my heart beating faster with every step I took. The thought of you kept me going, I could even hear your laughter somewhere in the distance. You would laugh your gorgeous laugh whenever I started tickling you. It sounded like silver bells in a strong autumn breeze. Your eyes would light up when they met mine and the sound would get stronger. My eyes closed for a second when the memories flood back, my breath picking up. A small smile played on my lips, as I opened the door to the room I loved the most. The sight of the familiar black piano made my heart skip a beat. The smile grew into grin, as I sat down on the brown chair. There was only room for one, so I didn't feel so lonely. My fingers rested on the black and white keys. They felt cold, but I didn't mind.

Another tear 

Another cry 

Another place for us to die 

It's not complicated

Another life that's gone to waste 

Another light lost from your face 

It's complicated

With every breath I took, a star died somewhere. And so did you. With every light lost, the image of your beautiful features faded a little. I gently pressed one of the piano keys, immediately comforted by the familiar sound. I pressed another one, and another, and another. And whilst I did that, I imagined you. I imagined your long red hair getting messed up by the wind, your hazel orbs twinkling when I said your name, your pink lips parting a little before they met mine. I imagined you sitting there, listening careful. You would've whined when I finished, you would've said it was too sad. But you're not here now, you'll never be. So I can play as many sad songs as I want, I can make the birds cry, the moon and the stars. Just like you made me.

Oh how I miss you 

My symphony played the song that carried you out 

Oh how I miss you  

I miss you and I wish you'd stay

When your ash followed the wind to the stars, I played this song. When you took your last breath, those notes were playing in my head. When they confirmed what everyone already knew, this symphony saved me from running after you. I would've followed you all the way 'til up there, but I need to stay here. I need to remind people of the beautiful person you once were. I need to remind myself that hearts need to beat and lungs need air.

Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you 

Float down 

Like autumn leaves 

Hush now 

Close your eyes before the sleep 

And you're miles away 

And yesterday you were here with me

My fingers stroked the keys, just like I used to stroke your skin. I admired the piano, like I used to admire you. The symphony kept me alive, like you used to do. I miss you. I miss you so much I could cry a whole ocean. I cried enough to paint the sky with the salty liquid. I cried enough to extinguish all the stars. Water rushed to my waterline and tears started to fall like crashing airplanes. One by one they landed with a small thump. Can we pretend they're shooting stars? Then they'd remind me of you. Then I could make a wish. Then I'd wish for you.

Touch down 

Like a seven-four-seven 

Stay out and we'll forever now


Hi :) I hope you liked this, leave a comment if you did!

Xxx Astrid

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