the start

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Izuku pov:

I was running through the forest. Running like my mom told me to, as she didn't want me to get killed by other quirked, as I was quirkless, so I kept running deeper and deeper into the forest away from civilization. Even if I was only 4 years old, I was smart, and so I kept running so I wouldn't be found by the quirked.

After a few days I found a nice valley, a place that the quirked didn't go into, they didn't focus on the land, or weapons, only on their quirks and how to improve them.

I found a spot where I could stay until I made a home. I decided that I would help other quirkless people be safe, safe from the forest without food, and safe from the quirked and the danger they bring to us.

I took out some food that my mom gave me before she dropped me off in the forest. I thank her for that and ate some of it before I lay down under a tree by the valley and went to sleep. The next day, I walk back towards the town, I keep an eye out for other quirkless kids I could help, I walk and after a few hours I hear a kid crying and I follow it. When I got there, I saw a kid around my age, so another 4 year old, crying. I sat in front of them and spoke softly, asking "hey you ok?" Their head jerked up because of that. They seemed to calm down a tiny bit when they saw I was a kid.

I looked around. "I- I was told to run deep into the forest and to stay here." They looked ready to cry. "Why can't I stay with my mama and papa?" I looked at them sadly."What did the doctor say your quirk was?" I asked and their answer helped me understand more on why I was told to stay here "they said I was quirkless, they said that was a bad thing" I held my hand close to theirs to see if they wanted to hold it. They did, when they did I told them "they don't like us quirkless, our parents told us to run deep into here to keep us safe from the other quirked, I know ya miss them. I miss my mama too, but we have to be strong and help others like us."

They looked at me. "You want to help us?" I smile."Yes, I am quirkless too, I want to help protect others like us to be safe, wanna help me look for others?" They had hope in their eyes now and nodded. I stood up helping them us and handed them a snack, letting them eat before saying "let's see if there are any others here" they nod and say "ok, I'm Asami, Rin" Izuku smile and said "nice to meet you Asami, I'm Midoriya, Izuku."

After walking for a bit, we saw another child, they appeared to be 5 years old, they looked lost and scared. I, along with Asami, walked slowly to them, and I said, "Hello? Are you ok?" In the same voice I spoke to Asami with. They looked over to us, I realized they were a girl, she asked us "who are ya?" I feel Asami as he hid behind me "I'm Midoriya, Izuku" I smiled at her "and the one behind me is Asami, Rin" I motion to Asami behind me "we are quirkless like you" that seemed to surprise her "Ya quirkless too? Do ya know why we are in the forest?" She asked. I nod. "The mama's and papa's that drop us quirkless children off here are doing it to protect us," I explain. She looked a little confused and said, "Protect us from what?" I looked at her with as serious a face as I could at 4 years old. "The quirked, they wanted to hurt us, the mama's and papa's that drop us here want us to be safe I think," I say.

They looked upset and asked, "Why do the quirked want to hurt us?" I shook my head."I don't know, sorry." I then looked up to meet her eyes, as she was taller than me. "Do you want to help us look for more quirkless children like us? I want to make sure we are all safe, and maybe we can make a secret home here" she seemed to think for a bit before nodding saying "yes, I would like to help, my name is Nevi, Akumu" I smiled "hello, Nevi, well we should keep looking."

After the day had passed, we had found 6 more kids; Kamisu, Yama, and Yima, quirkless twin brothers, and they are 8 years old. Tevina, Milo (boy) and shien, Sara(girl) are 6. Genita, Jenashi (girl) is 4. And the oldest of us Henisha, Shio(boy) who is 12. So in total, there are 9 of us at the moment. 1, twelve year old. 2, eight year olds. 1, five year old. 3, four year olds. And 2, six year olds.

I led them to the valley. I found "this is where we can make our new home, I hope you like it," I said as they saw the valley. "This is so pretty, Midoriya," Nevi said, still looking at the valley while the others nodded along. Henisha looked at me. He looked impressed. "this is a nice place Midoriya, and we could make this a new home for fellow quirkless people" I smiled at the praise as Henisha continued "let's sleep, before we continue tomorrow" we all nodded and went to bed. Us little ones had a hard time falling asleep. Thankfully, Hanisha seemed to notice and started to hum a lullaby to help us fall asleep easier. I fell asleep to the humming of a lullaby, birds, and crickets. As we fell asleep, we heard a quiet "goodnight little ones" from Henisha.

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