"If you are done," Lux snips throwing Louis a dirty look as she stamps down the stairs. Austin jogs to catch up to her but does not say anything and when she sneaks a peek at his face she sees no anger or annoyance - it's fucking bullshit. The breakfast room is packed and everyone is buzzing with excitement about their deep-sea diving. The bridesmaids have never gone before and go on about how this is totally out of their comfort zone but they are brave enough to throw caution to the wind and brave the deep dark waters of the unknown. "You are not going to war. You will have a guide, calm down," Lux grumbles. "We know but still, what a great conversation starter for a first date!" Petra gushes. Lux turns and looks at Austin.

"You ordering my breakfast again?"


"Make sure there are peanuts in there."

Austin bites his bottom lip in an attempt to hide his smile. Then shakes his head as he stands up and follows the boys to the juice table. "Lux...we were wanting to ask you something..." Petra says suddenly. Lux turns to face her, lifting her brows. "Go on," Hailey says bumping Jessica. Jessica looks like she is going to piss her pants, Lux could smile to ease her worries somewhat - but she does not.

"A-are you and Austin a thing?"


"Well...um...I have had a crush on him for the longest time," Jessica starts, she looks like she is holding back tears. "And...well...I was hoping to get somewhere with him this week," Jessica finally gets out then takes a deep breath as she gets a well-done pat on her back from Hailey. Lux has not seen Austin so much as look at Jessica or even speak to her and now that she thinks about it, Jessica has shown no interest in Austin, at least no more than other girls. Were they a thing or heading towards a thing? Had the appearance of Lux ground everything to a halt? Now if Lux was nineteen Jessica would have a fork jammed into her hand by now or even a hair extension or two ripped out. Lux knows she would be vibrating with anger and jealousy. All her insecurities would be slapping her in her face. She would fight with Austin too, just because.

But there are two very big factors at play now. Firstly, she does not love Austin, she never did. Ever. Secondly, she is no longer the girl she was at nineteen. Even if she and Austin were a thing she would shrug off Jessica's crush and move along. She rubs her chest when guilt gives her a sprinkling of heartburn - what the fuck is up with that? Go away. Lux offers Jessica a small smile - it hurts. "Were you and Austin talking? Was it heading in that direction?" Lux asks. Petra, Hailey, and Jessica giggle into their hands. "No. I have never said a word to him - too scared. Once he offered me a bottle of water at his club and I ran off. Nearly had a panic attack. I can't talk to him," Jessica says.

Austin hates timid, needy girls. Austin had told her once that he finds it difficult to hold a conversation with them or take them seriously. He likes the challenge of a woman who can hold her own. A woman who wants him but does not need him per se. To be fair Lux is the same with spineless men. She does not want an arrogant selfish man who treats her like shit. But, she also does not want a man who will send her a soppy good-night text just because he misses her or backs down in a fight just to keep her happy. A powerful secure man with a kind heart - but those do not exist. She will die alone.

"So, you were not a thing?" Lux asks.

"Oh, gosh! No!" Jessica giggles.

"If you piss your pants every time he's in the general area how are you going get somewhere with him."

"Well, we had a plan," Hailey starts. "We were going to flirt shamelessly with him, all three of us, until he noticed Jess, and then Petra and I were going to pull back, and eventually...it would just be Jess and Austin. Together forever!" Hailey says excitedly as if she just found the cure to cancer.

"So why haven't you?"

The three girls look at each other and then back to Lux. "Well...you," Petra says. "Me?" Lux asks confused. "We are afraid you will murder us...you are very intimidating," Hailey says, all three girls nod. It's nothing Lux has not heard before. Women often go after Austin - she has no idea why, he is nothing to write home about. She takes a deep sigh and then shrugs her shoulders. "Austin and I are not a thing, never were and never will be. Have at it. Throw yourself at him," Lux says. "Well...I think it will be more about - may the best lady win," Petra says, Hailey and Jessica nod. "Explain," Lux says sighing again. "Austin has not focused his attention on anyone else since you walked in," Jessica says. Lux rolls her eyes. It's like they are in fucking high school. "It's because he hates me. I fucked him over years ago - don't worry about it. Trust me," Lux says.

"Ok...well even so, let's make a pact right here right now," Jessica says putting her hand out, Hailey and Petra stack their hands on top of hers, "We will let Austin choose and no matter what happens we will not let a man come between us. Ever," Jessica. "I liked it better when you did not talk," Lux says, keeping her hands on her lap. "Bitches!" the three bridesmaids shout together breaking their hands apart. Austin who is walking toward the table with a glass of juice in each hand stops when they shout then starts walking again, placing a glass in front of Lux then sitting down gingerly in his chair, shooting Lux a side-eye.

"Austin, did you know Jessica can put both her feet behind her head? She did gymnastics for years," Hailey says suddenly. Austin who is taking a sip from his orange juice snorts causing orange juice to shoot up his nose, he almost chokes. Petra jumps up and pats his back, which only makes it worse. Lux bites her thumb to stop herself from laughing. This is fantastic. The bridesmaids are insane and are going to make his life a nightmare - this day has taken a turn for the best. "No shit! Show us," Harry says sitting down. "Ok!" Hailey says pushing Jessica off her chair. "Now is your chance," she whispers. Jessica shakes her body out and then right there in the middle of the restaurant, right slap bang in the middle of where people are walking Jessica sits down on the floor. She takes her first foot and stretches it over to the back of her head then takes the other and does the same. Then they watch her roll around slowly like a half-deflated ball. Lux sucks her lips in but can't help her shoulders from shaking, it gets worse when Jessica looks up and grins right at Austin who is staring at her with big eyes, his glass of orange juice frozen halfway to his lips.

Lux stops laughing completely when Austin's hand lands on her thigh suddenly and fucking squeezes gently. What the fuck? Jessica untangles herself when the waiter arrives with their food, sitting back down with a proud smile while Harry, Pete, Dre, and the rest of the bridesmaids clap for her. "One point to Jessica, Lux," Petra whispers as she walks back to her seat. Lux turns to look at Austin - he looks traumatized. "Get your hand away from me or I will run my knife over your fucking main archery," Lux hisses. "You would never," Austin says removing his hand.

"You think?"

"I do think."

"And why is that?"

"Because I would die quickly. Poison. You would go for a slow painful death."

Lux smiles, and the thought brings her joy. She opens her mouth to agree but stops when Demi and Shawn show up at the table. "Mind if we join you guys?" Shawn says putting his plate down and then pulling a chair up and sitting down while Demi does the same. "So, Lux, forgive the intrusion but we were just so close to you and Austin at yoga and you said you liked his long hair. We all hated it. What did you like so much about it?" Shawn asks. Lux looks around the table and sees everyone except Austin looking expectantly at her. "I didn't. I lied. I could not think of anything nice to say so I made up some bullshit," she says standing, taking her bag and walking off. Fucking high school bullshit. What is going on with everyone?

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