Half of story story

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Y/n was just sitting on the couch in the living room while karl and sap were arguing in the kitchen about who stole sap's cigarettes. Y/n had his noise cancelling headphones so he couldn't really hear them. After a few minutes, the two older boys were still arguing and y/n wanted them to stop so he just got up and walked to his office. Y/n got there and picked out a paci that had a Elmo plushie hanging from it. Y/n sat in his gaming chair and starting playing on his phone while he sucked on the Elmo paci. After like a hour, the muffled voices stopped and y/n heard footsteps coming down the hallway. "Shit" y/n said, muffled by the paci. Eventually, sap and karl appeared in y/n's office doorway. "Did you steal the cigarettes" sap asked, with a confused but mad face. "M-maybe" y/n said and blushed once he took his paci out. "Yes or no dumbass" sap pushed. "Yes" y/n admitted. "Really, why didn't you tell one of us" karl asks. "B-because" y/n stuttered, not wanting to tell them because of his past trauma. "Oh" the realization hit karl, "you don't wanna talk about it, do you?" Y/n shakes his head. "Ok, understandable, but since when did you use pacis" karl asks. "Karl, he uses them to calm him, we were arguing which made him stressed" sap answers Karl's question. Karl nods. "S-so now what" y/n asks, scared if he's gonna get yelled at. "I don't know, we could go by you a pack of your own cigarettes if you'd like" sap replies. Y/n shakes his head also putting the paci back in his mouth. "How about we all just sit in here and talk" karl suggests. Y/n nods. Y/n's boyfriends sit around his chair. Y/n isn't in the floor because of his sensory issues. The two older ones just talked while the younger one was just playing with the Elmo which was on his paci. "Hey y/n, can I ask a question" karl asks. Y/n nods. "Why did you steal the cigarettes if you already have a way on coping" karl asks. Y/n takes out the paci and says, "because I saw sap using them and I wanted to try." "Oh, sap where were you last when you smoked" karl asked sap. "On the front porch" sap response. "Why were you smoking around the house when you know he looks up to you and will do anything you do" karl asks. "I just didn't wanna really leave the house and I thought he wouldn't see me" sap says, with guilt in his voice and on his face. "Ok, just be careful next time" karl says back to sap. Y/n had put his paci back in. Sap nods back to what karl said. "Also y/n, please don't get addicted to something like cigarettes, I don't want you like sappy" karl said. Y/n nodded, playing with the Elmo on the paci. "You look like you're having fun with that" sap says to y/n. Y/n nods, happily. The two older ones just continue on talking while the younger one continues to playing with the toy. Y/n starts randomly whining. "What's wrong pretty boy" Karl asks y/n. Y/n pulls the paci out and says, "reminders of past." "Awh, it's okay baby boy, we're not arguing, we're just talking about being careful with smoking" Karl says, taking y/n's hand. Y/n nods and puts the paci back in and continues playing with it. Karl let's go of his hand and continues talking to sap. "Well y/n and sap, I going to go on to bed since I'm really tired so night y'all" Karl says, getting up and going to the bedroom. The two other boys nod. Karl fully leaves the room. "How bout I take ya to the smoke shop to get you something" sap asked y/n. Y/n takes out his paci and says, "Karl said it was bad for me tho." "Well if you don't want to then sure I'm not makin ya" sap says. "B-but I want to but I don't wanna disappoint Karl" y/n says back. "You wont be disappointing Karl as long as he doesn't know" sap says. "B-but" y/n stutters out and starts crying. "Hey, hey, it's okay I'm here" sap says, taking y/n's hands. Y/n had dropped his paci and sap knew it was somewhere on the floor, but he'd have to find it later. After a few minutes, y/n hadn't calmed down. Sap starts panicking and frantically looks for the paci. Sap finds it and cleans it off then puts it in y/n's mouth. Y/n calms down and stops crying. After a few seconds of the calmness, Karl walks in. "What the fuck did you do to baby boy" Karl snaps at sap. "I don't know" sap frantically said back. "What did he do to you" Karl asked y/n. "Nothing, I just accidentally dropped my paci and started crying until he found it and put it back in my mouth" y/n said, once he had taken out his paci. "Oh ok, love you little one, love you sappynappy" Karl said then left for the bedroom again. Y/n puts his paci back in and continues playing with it. "So do you wanna go to the smoke shop with me" sap asks. Y/n just nods. Sap gets up and picks y/n up. "You want shoes, sweetie" sap asks. Y/n shakes his head. Sap nods and goes to get his shoes on. They get out side and sap puts y/n in his car seat. Sap gets in the driver seat and turns the car on. Y/n was just calmly playing with the Elmo on the end of his paci. Sap starts driving towards the smoke shop. Sap looks in the rear view mirror to see y/n, he smiles and continues driving. They get there and sap gets out. Sap gets y/n out and carries him into the shop. Sap gets to the counter and asks for his normal pack of cigarettes which is the red Marobole, and a vape that is strawberry. The person working got the things and rang them up. Sap walked out with y/n still in his arms, sucking on the paci. Sap puts y/n in his car seat and buckles him up. Sap then gets in the driver seat. Sap turns on the car and starts driving. Y/n takes out his paci and says, "Sappy?" "Yes honey," sap replies. "Why'd you buy that one strawberry thing" y/n questions. "You wanna be like me, right?" sap says. Y/n nods. "Well smoking is one of the things I do and I know you wanna do it" sap says. "B-but it's bad" y/n says. "Do you not wanna use it" sap asks, still driving. "No, but you bought it for me so I'm gonna have to" y/n says. "You don't have to, Karl will, he doesn't mind" sap said. "Ok" y/n says, putting his paci back in before he go too overwhelmed. Sap nodded. After a few minutes, they got home. It was around 12:00am when they get home. Sap got out then got y/n out of his car seat. They walked inside along with the bag of smoking products. Sap sits y/n in his playpen since it was just in the living room. "Ok, I'm gonna go outside and smoke if you need anything either wake up Karl or come get me, okay little one?" Sap says. Y/n nods and starts playing with the toys. Sap takes the cigarettes and a lighter outside and starts smoking. After a couple of minutes, y/n walks outside, looking like he's about to cry. "Hey, what's wrong baby" sap asks, turning around with his cigarette still off the porch. "I-i got hurt" y/n says. "Where did you get hurt at and where's your paci" sap asks. "I-i left it inside" y/n says, holding his wrist. "Ok, did you get hurt on your wrist" sap asks. Y/n nods. "Show me" sap says. Y/n takes his other hand off his wrist. Sap exams it and notices a little cut on the outer side of his wrist. "Ok, I'll need to get you a bandaid, just give me a second" sap says, then turns back around and takes another drag from his cigarette. Sap then put out the cigarette and grabs y/n's hand and they start walking back inside. They get to the bathroom and sap grabs some anti infection stuff and a bandaid. Sap puts the cream on y/n's cut, he winces at the pain. Sap then puts the bandaid on it. "There you go, now it's bedtime for you, so go grab your paci and head to bed" sap says. Y/n nods and leaves the bathroom. Y/n grabs his paci and pops it in his mouth then goes into the threes shared bedroom. Y/n cuddles up to Karl and drifts off to sleep. Sap had walked outside and lit another cigarette. Sap sat down on a seat on the porch and pulled out his phone to message dream.

Baby Boy (karlnap x autistic masc reader) Where stories live. Discover now