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"Oh, you definitely need that." Taylor said, reaching for pancake mix.

"Make sure it's vegan." Hayley said. She tried to eat vegan meals as much as she could.

Taylor looked back at her. "It is." She promised softly.

Hayley nodded and watched Taylor place the pancake mix into the shopping cart.

Taylor grinned as she stepped closer to Hayley. "I like this." She said softly.

"It's very domestic." Hayley said, looking up at Taylor through her glasses. She had the hood of her hoodie up so that no one would recognise her.

Nodding her head, Taylor fixed her beanie and grinned. "It's nice."

Hayley chuckled softly and Alf looked up at them curiously.

"You know where we should stop next?" Taylor asked excitedly.

"Where?" Hayley asked curiously, grabbing some of her favourite vegan lasagna from the shelf.

Taylor turned and grabbed her hands. "Chips, I'm dying for some veggie chips."

"Don't think I've ever tried the vegan chips." Hayley admitted, looking up at Taylor.

The blonde shook her head. "They're vegan, but they're called Veggie straws."

"I've never heard of them." Hayley admitted. She didn't really eat snacks like chips. She ate her three meals a day and that was her.

"Huh, well I think you'll like them." Taylor said with a shrug, moving toward the chip aisle.

Hayley followed Taylor, pushing the shopping cart. She glanced down at Alf as he walked beside her, his nose to the ground, sniffing.

Taylor was going through the chip aisle, looking through all the different chips.

Hayley stopped upon hearing the music playing over the radio in the store change. Paramore's song 'Hard Times' came on. She wasn't going to lie. She didn't like hearing her own music in public. It felt a little embarrassing. She kept her head down as she began pushing the shopping cart again, following Taylor through the chip aisle.

"You okay?" Taylor asked, glancing over at her.

Hayley lifted her head to look at Taylor and nodded. "Yeah. I just find it a bit embarrassing hearing our music over the radio." She shrugged.

"I get that." Taylor said, grabbing a big bag of veggie straws.

"So when are we telling the world?" Hayley asked in a whisper as Taylor put the bag of veggie straws into the shopping cart. "How are we telling them?"

Taylor stepped closer to Hayley, glancing around briefly before leaning in to kiss her. "We'll tell them whenever you're ready and however you want." She said softly.

Hayley rested her forehead against Taylor's and closed her eyes, breathing deeply. Taylor smelled amazing, even though she'd used Hayley's body wash and shampoo, it just somehow smelled so much better on the tall blonde.

Neither Hayley nor Taylor heard the soft click of a camera shutter as a photograph was taken. Someone had come down the aisle at that precise moment to find them close enough to kiss, the person had recognised Taylor in an instant even from her side profile and took their opportunity to take a photograph of the famous singer with her presumed new 'lover', only being able to see Hayley's nose and lips thanks to the hood of her hoodie so they couldn't identify this new person in Taylor's life, and slip away before they were noticed.

Hayley opened her eyes, cleared her throat and stepped back. She bit her lower lip for a moment then said, "let's finish shopping." She said softly and led the way to the next aisle, pushing the shopping cart, with Alf trotting by her side.

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