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Hayley was glad to be home when she stepped off of the private jet and into the warm Nashville air. She said bye to Zac and Taylor, got into her car and drove to her mother's house. She smiled at the sound of barking when she knocked on the door. Her mother opened the door a few seconds later.

"Hayley, my darling girl." The woman pulled her daughter into a hug.

Hayley wrapped her arms around her mom and leaned into her arms. "I missed you." She whispered.

Alf was barking in the living room, scratching at the door. He had recognised her voice.

"I missed you too." Her mother whispered softly. She pulled back. "I should let him out before he scratches a hole in my door."

Hayley laughed softly and nodded, closing the front door behind herself so that Alf didn't escape. Within seconds of her mother opening the door, Hayley bent down to greet her dog and he jumped up in her arms, knocking her backwards onto the floor, licking her face and wagging his tail. Hayley laughed.

Alf barked excitedly as he continued licking her.

"Okay, okay, okay." Hayley said, still laughing but trying to gently push Alf off of her so she could sit up. "I missed you too."

Alf whined and began jumping her again, barking softly.

"I know, I know. You missed me too." Hayley said, rubbing his head. "You're coming with me this time."

Alf barked and wagged his tail excitedly.

Hayley chuckled softly as she got to her feet.

"Are you hungry, I can make you something." Hayley's mother said softly.

As much as she loved her mother's cooking, Hayley wasn't hungry, she'd eaten on the plane. "No thank you mom. I kinda just want to go home and sleep." She said softly.

"Okay sweetheart." Hayley's mother said softly.

"Thank you for watching him." Hayley said, hugging her mother again.

Smiling warmly, Hayley's mother hugged her back. "Of course sweetheart."

Hayley leaned into her mother's touch, closing her eyes. She breathed deeply before pulling away.

Alf barked up at them, wagging his tail.

Hayley looked down at him and smiled lovingly. She bent down to rub his head.

Pushing up against her, Alf wagged his tail.

Hayley took Alf's leash from her mother and clipped it to his red collar.

Alf grew even more excited, thinking they were going on a walk. He jumped around, his tail wagging wildly. His tongue hung from his mouth as he looked up at her, looking like he was smiling.

Hayley laughed softly and patted his head. "Walk?" She asked him, causing him to bark excitedly. "I'll take that as a yes." Hayley chuckled softly.

Alf barked again and turned towards the door.

Hayley rolled her eyes lovingly at the dog before turning to her mother. "I'll be back." She said, making her way to the door.

Alf was right beside her, his tail wagging happily.

Hayley opened the door and Alf rushed out, barely giving Hayley enough time to close the door behind them. "Alf slow down." She said, tugging gently on the leash to get his attention.

Alf stopped and looked up at Hayley, wagging his tail. He barked softly.

"Yes, I know. But you can't pull me like that." Hayley said softly, people would find it strange if they saw her talking to Alf as if they were having an actual conversation.

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