We reach Alex's Blue Ford and quickly load our luggage into the trunk before deciding to grab some snacks for the one-hour drive ahead of us.The store is filled with people seeking shelter from the rain. I hurry to the snack section, picking up sandwiches and bottles of Coke before making my way to the checkout counter, hoping to get back to the car as soon as possible.

Upon exiting the store, the light drizzle quickly turns into a torrential downpour. The sound of water splashing against the pavement is almost deafening, and I can feel the cold droplets piercing through my clothing.

We run towards the car when a deafening thunderclap shakes the area, followed by a flash of lightning illuminating the dark sky. The rain turns into a deluge, instantly transforming the sidewalks into rushing streams, with frigid water swirling around in puddles. I climb into the backseat beside Gabriela and the car slowly pulls out of the airport, maneuvering through the heavy rain.

As we make our way into the countryside, the rolling hills of green on either side are barely visible through the sheets of rain cascading down the windows. The car is pelted with water droplets, and the sound is almost deafening. The rain is so intense that, for a moment, I fear the thin roof of the car might give way under the relentless onslaught.

Alex lets out an exclamation as the rain pounds against the windowpane. "What a downpour!" he exclaims, frustration etched on his face. "The weather forecast promised sunshine, but they were lying through their teeth," he scolds with an air of indignation.

As we continue driving, the windshield wipers work tirelessly to clear our view. The sound of the rain hitting the roof of the car is roaring, making it difficult to hear each other speak. The storm seems to be getting stronger, and I can feel the car struggling to stay on the road.

However, to our surprise, it gradually subsides and eventually comes to a sudden halt, providing us with a much-needed sense of relief. As we leave the city behind, the heavy clouds disperse, making way for light and airy white clouds that resemble ships with raised sails, leisurely cruising across the sky.

Now we can see the countryside around us. The fields are lush and green, with cows grazing peacefully. The sun is trying to peek through the clouds, casting a warm glow on the landscape. We turn on some music and start to enjoy the ride.

Leaning forward to make myself heard over the hum of the engine and rushing wind, I ask Alex, "So, what do you do for a living?"

"I work for a woodworking company," he replies, turning briefly towards me before focusing back on the road. "You'll see their signboard, 'Woods Incorporated,' as we pass through downtown. I'm an engineer there, and I'm one of the lucky few who truly loves their job. The smell of wood alone makes it all worth it," he adds with a hint of eagerness in his voice.

Isabel chimes in, as our discussion carries on, "As you may already know, I'm a teacher. And we know that Gabriela works as a sales manager. But what about you?" she inquires, turning her attention towards me.

"I'm a photographer," I answer. "I specialize mostly in landscapes."

"There are plenty of picturesque spots around here for you to capture," Alex says, excitedly. "There's a river just a ten-minute drive away, and some beautiful waterfalls too. So, what are your plans for the next few days? We've taken some time off work to show you around."

Gabriela interjects, her voice carrying a sudden earnestness, "First and foremost, we want to pay tribute to my relatives by visiting the cemetery."

Isabel nods in agreement, "Yes, that's important. 

"And Steve wants to find my grandfather's grave and take a photo of the picture on it." Gabriela continues.

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