Chapter 15 (Luna's POV)

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The others had woken up an hour later. Before then, K and I had each taken turns to go shower and dress for the day. Now, I was cooking more gyoza for breakfast and K had gone to get ready for the day. Just then, I heard fumbling as the others walked into the living room, breathing in the smell of the gyoza appreciatively. 

I pulled out a gyoza to taste, but before I could put it into my mouth, someone had taken it and ate it. I whirled around. It was Fuma. He said, laughing, "Morning. Thanks for the gyoza, little sis." I said, mostly teasing, "Hey, that was mine! You're always taking my food, Fuma!". Fuma bellowed out a laugh and went to grab himself a plate of breakfast.

One by one, they each came up to get breakfast. K had returned by then, and he sat talking with Taki. Nicholas came up last, his eyes still sleepy. He pecked my cheek and said in Mandarin, "Thanks for breakfast, Xiao Li." He went to get his breakfast as I replied in Mandarin, "Eat well, Yixiang Ge." He smiled sleepily before he went to sit on the couch. 

I made two cups of loose-leaf tea and joined the others on the couch, sitting next to Jo. I gave K a cup before settling down and drinking my tea. After everyone had finished eating, EJ said, "Well, Luna, you agreed to accept the demon essence again. I know it's hard for you, but we'll be with you every step of the way."

I nodded and moved to the larger couch as the others stood and gathered around me. I laid down and closed my eyes. Nicholas said, "Call for it, Luna." I focused on imagining the face of the monster. Seeing how I would approach it. And suddenly, I blacked out. My eyelids fluttered, and I opened them. But I wasn't in the living room with the boys anymore.

I was in a dimly-lit penthouse. There was a mini bar with a wide choice of alcohol, opposite was a grand piano, a sofa and several Italian leather armchairs, and in the center was a coffee table. And standing next to the bar was the monster. I knew this was happening in my mind, so I boldly took a step forward.

It sneered, "You called? What, have you finally decided to talk to me again?". I remained silent. It continued, "You used to reek of fear. But now, I smell hope. Strange. I have been waiting a very long time for you to return. But what kind of human crawls into their own grave in search of hope?". I replied, "A desperate one. In every story, there is a hero and a monster. I am not the hero. I need your help."

It laughed and replied cruelly, "And you believe you know what it means to be a monster? Hmm?.... You have no idea.... but I'm going to show you." I said, "Please. The wolves are going to war. I need your help. Your power. I need to protect them. Please."

It laughed cruelly and said, "For years, these posh walls have been my gallows. For I am bound to this house, condemned by you who has pushed me away. Oh, and I have waited a very long time for a human of your strength, your gifts, your will. A human worthy of the dark and all its powers. For if I am your salvation, you are mine. So, let's make a deal. You accept me as a part of you again, and I will let you use my power. After all, we'd make a good team."

I sucked in a breath, knowing how this would affect my life. I said, "Fine. I'd rather be the villain who lives to the end than the hero who winds up dead. I agree. Thank you." It grinned like a shark and said, "Go. Let the games begin." It snapped its fingers and I dissolved into darkness again. 

When I woke, I realized that K had fallen asleep while sitting next to me. It seemed like it was late in the afternoon. I pulled myself upright just as K's eyes flared open. He saw me and cried, "Luna! You're okay, thank god!". He pulled me into a hug. Just then, the others ran in. Nicholas said grimly, "I suppose it worked?". I nodded. At least we would have a better chance in this fight.

Jo came forward and said, "Luna, we're just testing something." He placed something hard and cold into my hand; an iron flower decoration. I glanced at them, not understanding. Their thoughts whispered, "How strong has the demon essence made her? Can she crush it easily?".

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