Chapter 3 (Luna's POV)

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Some say a mother's hug is the best feeling in the world and due to my vague memories of hugging my own I always agreed, but standing in K's arms felt more perfect than anything else I had ever experienced. 

The way he held me, felt as if he were fending off anything that may possibly hurt me and he fed me such positive emotions that I felt as light as a feather. We stood for a very long time simply locked in our sweet embrace, where every so often K would run his hands through my silky hair, giving me shivers all the while. 

I let out a sigh of contentment, my neck buried into K's neck, his husky scent entering my nostrils and filling every crevice of my body with a warmth that only K could provide me with. 

My thoughts were very vague and non-coherent, but one did stand out. The thought of how good it felt to be by him, the shock and warmth his touch gave me, how delicious his smell was, it all reminded me of an addict. 

Maybe that was what it was, maybe in the short sweet time that I'd known K, I'd become addicted to him. That sounded about right; I was addicted to K. The thought made me euphoric; I was beyond happiness. The only thing that stopped me from floating away was his arms wrapped tightly around me.

My life was an unending, unchanging midnight. It must, by necessity, always be midnight for me.  So how was it possible that the sun was rising now, in the middle of my midnight? I realized that I loved him, much more than I should, and yet, still nowhere near enough. 

I could not feel the monster now, could not find it anywhere in me. Perhaps love had silenced it forever. Love had changed me in an eternal way, a way that would never fade. I would always love this perfect boy, for the rest of my existence. I inhaled his scent, feeling that love for him settle into every portion of my body.

I leaned into K, resting my head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat. The sound of it, loud before, seemed to surround me in stereo now. The earth beneath me didn't seem quite as steady, as if it rocked faintly to the beat of his heart. 

I wished I could stay like this forever, immersed in the sound of his heart and warmed by his skin. A blissful sigh escaped against my will. He smiled so hard that his eyes disappeared. 

K said, "I'm not sure what to do with all this, but I hope we'll have plenty of time to figure it out." I smiled and said, "Being my prince is more than enough." He echoed, testing the words, "My prince." I murmured, running my hands through his soft hair, "That's what you are. Mine." He laughed softly and replied, "Indeed I am. Then does that make you mine?". I smiled crookedly and whispered, "Always." 

After another half an hour of simply spending time together, we finally decided to make our way back to the house. Unfortunately, we weren't able to make it through the front door without all hell breaking loose. Nicholas had seen us walking down the drive with our hands interlocked and completely overreacted. Nicholas was face to face with K instantaneously, growling. 

Nicholas snarled, "What do you think you're doing with my sister?! You'll hurt her!". K didn't speak, he only continued to glare. Seeing that they wouldn't listen to each other, I took the dangerous and drastic step of moving between Nicholas and K, using my body to shield them from one another. There were cries of worry from some of the others.

I said, "This is pathetic. The chances of K hurting me are the same as they are for you hurting me. Stop! We're mates, Nicho. We only found out today. And you can't hurt him. Whoever a wolf imprints on, can't be harmed. It's our most absolute law. If you even think of hurting him, or trying to ruin this-you'll be hurting me. More than K ever could."

Nicholas calmed down immediately, understanding the situation. He apologized and said, "Take care of her, then. Or else." Then, we went inside. When we sat on the couch, I decided to sit next to just Nicholas, which earned me a playful frown from K. 

I said, "Oh, by the way, I know you're wondering if I've met Heli's coven. I have. We've become good friends in the year you all skipped school. Wait, why are you all nervous?". 

EJ said, unsure, "We talked and.... we would like.... to know you and Nicho's story.... Only if you're comfortable, of course." I nodded, preparing myself. Nicholas grabbed my hand gently. With that, we began our story.

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