I continue driving just with one hand, with the other I reach out for hers and we curl our fingers together.

"So, what's the plan for today? Where are you taking me?", she asks, to fill the silence. I smirk and respond:
"My lips are sealed, Broadway."
She sighs, faking being annoyed, and I have to chuckle. She then continues:
"But, I must say, I am impressed. I really am. Say Anything and Love Actually in one day. You're making progress."

I smile at the fact she recognized the scenes. Of course, she has. She is a romcom lover after all.

"This is just the beginning", I whisper, to which her eyes go big. And a smirk appears on her lips.


"You're crazy", she says, the moment we enter Ikea.

"I might be. But only for you", I answer. She chuckles and takes my hand.

"So, what are you planning on us doing here? Testing every bed until we find the best one?" she suggests. Not such a bad idea.

"I mean, we could, I don't know how happy the staff would be with that", I reply. Her cheeks go red.

"I was talking about sitting on them. Not making out", she says, throwing me an amused look. "Dirty mind."

I come closer to her ear and whisper: "Well, dirty or not, it's all about you."

Her cheeks turn even redder and I start smirking. I pull her closer and begin kissing her, until our lips our locking and all I feel is her. She's everywhere. In my mind. My arms. My dreams. My mouth. Everywhere.

As we let go, I go take a cart and make her a sign she should hop on it. She smiles and does as I asked her. I then pretend we would be at a race, steering the cart and making the edgiest turns. Of course, edgy, but not edgy enough for her to fall down or hurt herself. She's far too precious for that.

As soon as we're done with the cart, we try out every furniture there is. Couches, tables, beds. Everything. Nini begins telling me about her dream home, an apartment with a terrace, with a view over the city. She wants a large kitchen, so that everyone can cook together. She also wants a guest bedroom, in case her friends come visit. She wants a comfy bed in which she can relax after work. She wants a big TV on which she can watch her favorite movies. And she wants one more thing...

"You", she says, from where she was sitting next to me on the couch we were trying out. "I want you. It wouldn't be a home, if you weren't there with me."

I pull her closer to me and gently brush her cheeks with my lips. "You are my home", I tell her before I touch her lips and give her a kiss. She wraps her hands around my neck and pulls me even closer to her.

When I first saw the movie and saw the two going on a date to Ikea, I was thinking they must be insane. However, as we lean in deeper in the couch, I don't know what I was worrying about. She's all I need.

500 Days of Summer


"So, which milkshake would you like?" the lady at the counter asks me. Nini throws me a glance, immediately understanding what we are doing here. To All The Boys I've Loved Before.
"A strawberry one, please", Nini tells her, her eyes on me though to check if I wanted something else. I nod at her, to assure her it is okay. She smiles and after I pay for the milkshake, we go sit at the first free table for two.

"I always wanted to do this", she whispers after taking the first sip from her straw. I also take a sip from my straw, which only leaves her smiling.

"What?", I ask her interested.

and we scoredWhere stories live. Discover now