Scene 22

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As Nini said that her friend almost bought two shelves, I didn't actually believe her. But now, that I'm seeing how both girls have their arms filled with books, I start to see what she meant.

"Caden!" Nini says as she sees me entering through the doors of the bookstore. I spotted her long ago, through the window. It's hard to miss her, especially when her hair has such an intense color. Yet, even if her hair wouldn't be the bold red, I would still recognize her anywhere.

I rush in her direction and quickly wrap my arms around her. She sinks her head in my chest and I kiss the top of her head. When we let go, I take the books out of her hands, so she doesn't have to carry so much. I also take the ones from her friend's hands.

"You're a lifesaver", Nini tells me and I thank her with a kiss on her lips. She smiles at me.

"So, you two know each other?" my girl continues, looking from me to her friend, back to me and then back to her friend.

"Yeah, from last night", I say, remembering she was there.

"Yet we haven't been officially introduced", the friend says. Her hair is black and in two braids. She's wearing a large white knitted sweater, a pair of jeans and some Converse that have flowers embroidered on them. Her eyes are the one thing anyone would notice though. They are very big and very blue.

"Hi", she says. "I'm Nessie. Vanessa Shannon."

"Caden", I reply, can't shaking her hand since I'm holding her books. "Caden West. Nice to meet you, Nessie."

She smiles at me and I can see the glad look on Nini's face that me and her friend get along.

The two girls start moving towards another bookshelf so I have to ask: "Do you two plan on buying the whole bookstore?"

Nini looks at me smirking: "Oh, those are only Nessie's book over there."

I look at the stack of many books that I'm carrying and throw Nessie a surprised look. She chuckles and explains: "I have all the essentials there. Huang, Asher, Kennedy..."

She goes on so I come closer to Nini and whisper: "What is she talking about?"

"Authors", she replies chuckling. "They are...", Nini wants to continue but she's interrupted by Nessie's shouting voice.

"Nini! I found The Deal!"

I immediately freeze at those words. Those two words. And ask, trying to hide how much I'm shaking right now: "You found the what?"

"The Deal. It's a book I really wanted", she answers, then thinks a bit about what she just said. "You know what? It is actually a lot like you guys."

I start shaking my head and Nini looks at me chuckling, probably thinking I don't like it because it's a romance book. I don't like what she said because it is called the deal.

"No, it really is", Nessie insists. "The guy is a hockey captain, just like you and the girl is an artist. Well, not an actress like Nini, but a singer. Still, very similar."

"Yeah, I still don't get it", I say, yet I already started feeling bad knowing I agreed to the deal.

Nini chuckles again and turns to her friend: "I don't think he is comfortable with this conversation. He doesn't read romance."

"Oh, you should. It's amazing", Nessie says, getting excited and going through the shelves again. I nod to entertain her, then bend closer to Nini's ear.

"The only way I'll be reading those books is if we get to try out what I read about later", I whisper. Her eyes grow big and she almost chokes. I chuckle and turn to Nessie: "You know what, I think I'll be taking one of your romance books after all."

Nini smirks at me, yet her cheeks betray her attempt to seem unbothered. They are as red as her hair. I smile and take the first book Nessie gives me.

I might like romance after all.

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