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William paced around the room. Jonathan had left not too long ago, leaving him the only one left in the office, the only light illuminating him was the light of the moon through the glass ceiling and the low yellow hue of the lamps in the place. Back and forth, back and forth, he couldn't stop. Everything made a noise, the floorboards creaked, the lamps flickered and emitted a low hum, the sound of his heartbeat though, it was the loudest thing in the room.

Suddenly, the lights flickered, but only for a second. This put William to a stop, frantically looking around the room.
There was nothing, no noise or anything, until the radio turned on all by itself. It played a song Will has never heard before, not as if he could understand it anyway, it was in French.
.. French.
William froze, he saw it. From the corner of his eye stood a figure, a figure with dark voids for eyes and streaks of blood pouring down its face, a figure with blonde hair that poofed out, a figure that wore a red turtleneck jumper and over it a black vest.
It was Carson.

William watched as it slowly progressed its way to him, he could see it a lot more clearly than he could. Not as if he wanted to anyway, it was rough. The only way William could depict what emotions Carson was displaying was his eyelids and eyebrows, they seemed sorrowful and full of woe. He said a light whisper, then smiled.
He walked up to William, face to face, and mouthed a sentence. A sentence of which he couldn't decode. Carson's hand reached for Will's face, he couldn't move to stop it, he was frozen. As soon as it touched his face, he—

William woke up, instantly sitting up. He'd been sleeping at his desk for what seemed like hours on end. That dream, or, whatever it was, it felt so real. He put his head back down on the table, and his eyes began to close out of instinct. Today was not the day to be doing work, there was too much to think about. Too much on the mind.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, the landline began to ring.

A Tale of Faux RealitiesWhere stories live. Discover now